Most reading lighted baseball field related news are at:

Line Dancing at Grove Hall Community Center 23 Aug 2013 | 11:36 pm
For youth ages 13 and older, Grove Hall Community Center will host line dancing every Tuesday.
Fun with food 17 Aug 2013 | 12:58 am
Play with your plate to make every meal a treat
More reading lighted baseball field related news:
Baseball field plagued by nesting hawks 25 Aug 2013 | 03:42 pm
At this Bronx field, it’s called a “fowl” ball. Hawks are nesting in the stadium lights that shine on a diamond at Roberto Clemente Ballfield in Crotona Park — and they’re ruffling the feathers of lit...
Baseball field plagued by nesting hawks 25 Aug 2013 | 03:42 pm
At this Bronx field, it’s called a “fowl” ball.Hawks are nesting in the stadium lights that shine on a diamond at Roberto Clemente Ballfield in Crotona Park — and they’re ruffling the feathers of litt...
The Best-Selling Kinect for Xbox 360 Game is Back for Christmas with “Kinect Sports: Season Two” 29 Oct 2011 | 08:01 am
DMG Author: News a.jpg Take the field or slopes with Darts, Skiing, Tennis, Baseball and more to transform your living room into the epicenter of fun 116 Comments read more
Reading Corner 21 Apr 2011 | 02:50 am
Well the title says it all .. a quiet reading corner in our lounge. I was testing the 50mm f1.4 lens in terms of lighting depth of field, with no particular aim in mind other than to see what it c.....
Currier & Ives Print of Early Baseball Game 16 Aug 2010 | 03:26 am
Baseball history photo: Currier & Ives print of early Baseball game. Legend reads, “The American National Game of Baseball. Grand match for the championship at the Elysian Fields, Hoboken, N.J.” Click...
13 Books at a Time 11 Jul 2012 | 08:37 pm
While most people prefer light bestsellers as their beach reading, we have yet another 13 open access books bringing the latest discoveries in the fields of Science, Technology, Medicine. Why not repl...
Cain’s Collegiate Cribs – Inside TCU Baseball 8 Jul 2013 | 02:00 am
One of the reasons why you read my blog and listen to my podcast is that you are committed to excellence. Jim Schlossnagle, the Head Baseball Coach at TCU and Field Manager for the 2013 Team USA Colle...
Baseball under the lights at the stadium: Matt's Memo 13 Aug 2013 | 07:59 am
Matt's Memo: Matt Mulcahy blogs about running out on the luxurious grass ball field of NBT Bank Stadium.
The Resurrection of the Passe Muraille - July 2013 13 Aug 2013 | 03:47 pm
The Resurrection of the Passe Muraille - Catacombs, Paris, July 2013 About a year ago I read a story on an English Urbex site where a Lone Wolf (AKA. Garou-Garou A.K.A. Light Fields) wrote a very det...
Nike Bright Lights ‘Big City’ Pack pour le All-Star Game 2013 de Baseball 16 Jul 2013 | 09:31 am
À l’occasion de la 84ème édition du Match des Étoiles (All Star Game) 2013 de Baseball organisé au Citi Field à New York City ce mardi 16 juillet au soir, Nike en a profité pour dévoiler un pack exclu...