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Private real estate funds 8 May 2012 | 02:11 am
In investment finance one area of funds management deals with private real estate. Private real estate funds managers invest in property. Investments usually involve an active management strategy rang...
China Ov artificial grass erseas defers launch of real estate fund unit: report<br> 10 May 2012 | 01:39 pm
China Ov artificial grass erseas defers launch of real estate fund unit: report artificial grass stainless steel handle silber brautkleider nhl jerseys forged globe valve printing service miniature b...
Sainsbury Completes £125 Million Sale Leaseback of Three UK Supermarkets 21 Jan 2011 | 04:38 pm
Property Week - January 19, 2011Prupim has completed the £125m purchase of three supermarkets on a sale-and-leaseback basis for M&G’s Secured Property Income Fund.The real estate fund manager has boug...
Ajman Bank plans real estate fund 24 Feb 2010 | 02:02 pm
Ajman Bank plans to launch a real estate fund to purchase assets towards the low income group in the UAE, revealed its Deputy CEO, Ali E Alshaqoosh Al Mueen.The Bank will get necessary approval to lau...
Real estate funds lead the pack, but can it last? 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
BOSTON (AP) — The housing market may finally be coming back, with home prices rising again and mortgage rates at record lows. But there’s far greater strength in commercial real estate. Check out the ...
Wells Timberland 21 Aug 2012 | 12:31 am
Wells Real Estate Funds is committed to sustainable practices to drive value & help create exceptional environments for our stakeholders & the communities in which we operate.#
Real Estate Funds - Why it is a Profitable Investment in Today's Market? 24 Apr 2013 | 09:38 am
If you have invested in purchasing a house it means that you have invested in real estate. If you are planning to buy real estate then research a lot. You should know the facilities that the locals of...
wrote a new blog post: Division of property for another Tesco Lotus shares in 7545 to concentrate on purchasing a 5 port. 8 Oct 2012 | 11:55 am
wrote a new blog post: Division of property for another Tesco Lotus shares in 7545 to concentrate on purchasing a 5 port. Real estate funds Tesco Lotus Retail Growth 7545 to add an additional million ...
Bouwfonds purchases residential complexes in Rotterdam 5 Jul 2013 | 04:00 am
The German Real Estate fund BERF of Bouwfonds has purchased two residential complexes in Rotterdam (Weena and Lodewijk Pincoffsweg) from Bouwinvest. The acquisitions include a total of 213 homes, a n...
UPDATE: Blackstone selling stake to London's Broadgate for $2.7 Billion (£1.7 Billion) 20 Aug 2013 | 05:00 pm
Blackstone Group LP (BX), the largest investment manager of private-equity real estate funds, is selling their 50% stake in London’s Broadgate Complex for over $2.66 billion (£1.7 billion)in a private...