Most realm of the mad god related news are at:
Interview: Pixeltruss on Ripple Dot Zero 20 Aug 2013 | 11:35 am
[This is a guest post by Offal.] From the early arcade to the Dreamcast era, Sega had a stable of first and second-party developers regularly producing vibrant genre-defining games, inventing and rei...
Papers, Please 18 Aug 2013 | 05:02 am
Set on the border of the fictional communist country of Arstotzka, Papers, Please puts you in the shoes of an Arstotzkan immigration inspector, approving and denying entry to a long line of hapless tr...
More realm of the mad god related news:
Images du jeu: Les Royaumes De Kylrad 22 Apr 2012 | 06:17 am
Voici des images de notre future jeu les Royaumes de Kylrad un jeu point'n'click/aventure situé dans un univers fantastique et dans un style graphique "8 Bit" à Realm of the Mad God. Le Héros (Atlyn)...
Trucchi e suggerimenti per Realm of the Mad God 15 Dec 2011 | 01:54 pm
quando avevo 15 anni, leggevo sempre ConsoleMania, per guardare le foto dei videogiochi che non potevo comprare. Una volta ho letto una recensione che per ben 3 pagine non ha detto una sola parola del...
Mozilla released BrowserQuest for Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera 31 Mar 2012 | 08:35 pm
With a stylistic nod to the Zelda games of old, iconoclastic role-playing game Mother 3, or 2010′s exciting Realm of the Mad God, it’s made for Google’s Chrome, Mozilla’s Firefox, Apple’s Safari, and...
Prototyping challenge: Make a web-based 3D modeling toy 7 May 2012 | 12:48 pm
I'm rather obsessed with user generated content, particularly art tools. Recently, I had a wonderful experience with Realm of the Mad God. Alex Carobus added in a simple pixel editor that allowed an...
Goodbye Realm of the Mad God 19 Jun 2012 | 12:45 pm
It is hard to let go of something you’ve worked on for such a long time, but such is life. After a rather successful launch of Realm of the Mad God on Steam and Kongregate, our partners at Wild Shado...
ROTMG Is Synonymous With Adventure 24 Jul 2012 | 06:02 pm
Realm of the Mad God or shortly the rotmg is an online multiplayer game that offers a people to enter in a world of monsters and survive along with your fellow players. For this game, you have to make...
Realm of the Mad God, MMO gratuito en Steam 1 Sep 2012 | 09:48 pm
Nuevo juego multijugador masivo online gratuito en Steam. En un indie que surgió hará unos 2 años, y se hizo muy popular desde su aparición en la competición Assemblee Competition de TigSource. Y adem...
[Forum Event] New Dungeon Art Contest! 20 Aug 2013 | 02:31 am
New Dungeon Art Contest! Greetings Realmers! The Realm of the Mad God team is getting fired up for the release of the new dungeons on production. Originally dubbed the Epic Dungeons, these revisited...
Realm of the Mad God Refund Policy 25 Jul 2013 | 05:09 am
Hello Realmers, It has come to our attention that there are some questions on the refund policy. We wanted to make everyone aware of the current refund policy so there are no further rumors, or quest...
Joguinho viciante – Realm of the Mad God 20 Aug 2013 | 07:52 am
Em Realm of the Mad God você é transportado para um mundo de fantasia dominado por criaturas maléficas enviadas pelo lorde das trevas Oryx. Seu objetivo é bem simples, mate todas elas até o jogo termi...