Most rebel fleur related news are at:

Jessica Simpson and Nicole Richie are working together 9 Sep 2011 | 04:12 pm
Jessica Simpson and Nicole Richie are working together on a show called Project Runway Fashion Star imitation. It has already started to roll, and air on NBC in a few months. About a month ago, the .....
Jennifer Aniston! Instead of taking 2 Aug 2011 | 08:53 pm
There is a whole new Jennifer Aniston! Instead of his last lover of his beloved apartment in Cabo San Lucas (I think it is still hiring Joe Francis Place), and Justin Theroux Aniston has decided to sp...
More rebel fleur related news:
RihRih nous dévoile la publicité de son parfum ” Rebelle Fleur” 12 Feb 2011 | 06:39 am
Si vous ne le savez pas encore , Miss RihRih s’est lancée , elle aussi dans l’industrie du parfum , son parfum “Rebelle Fleur” est déjà n°1 des ventes aux USA . Et pour encore plus booser les ventes, ...
Rebelle Fleur 26 Aug 2012 | 12:00 pm
Encore un post qui était resté en mode fond de tiroir et que je viens seulement de remarquer... La tenue date d'après ma première (EVER!) grosse virée chez Zara (même jour) et j'aurais logiquement d...
Oku still rebelling against the system 29 Mar 2010 | 07:44 pm
Back in the 1970s, when Black Power was the rage in Jamaica, it was cool to clench fists and wear an Afro. Many former radicals have mellowed, but not poet Oku Onuora who, at 58, retains the snarl of ...
Defending ‘Copy’ 21 Oct 2010 | 06:36 am
Back in the olden days, when the world craved ads and ad execs were cigaretty, truth-seeking rebels, copy was not such a dirty word. And it was definitely not the 11th hour add-on you vomit onto your ...
Random shots: Learning DSLR photography 3 Jan 2011 | 06:30 pm
I've always been interested in high quality pictures. However, hardly I have time to spend on my this hobby. Last year I bought my first DSLR (Canon Kiss X3/EOS 500D /Digital Rebel T1i) and let me tel...
~~Waga Ai~~ 15 Feb 2010 | 03:08 am
~~~~ Tu as joué avec mon coeur... Mais mon coeur c'est rebellé...~~~~~~~~ Pour finir par ce brisé... Il t'aimé tu c'est...... ~~~~~~
Carnival lyrics in Haiti take aim at UN 23 Feb 2007 | 11:12 am
The UN peacekeepers in Haiti have clashed with rebels and fought well-armed street gangs. Now they are taking shots from a new foe: musicians. During Haiti’s carnival, the airwaves fill with songs la...
The Rebel Spiritual Activist 5 Apr 2012 | 03:44 pm
Hungarian poet and writer Tibor Weiner Sennyey's photo Anand Krishna is one of Indonesia’s most popular contemporary writer and publicist. He has published more than 140 books in the past 1...
Spot The Resemblance: Swans and Rebels* Edition 23 Dec 2010 | 09:39 am
Again with the Black Swan things, but surely I can't be the only person who thinks that this beautiful poster, below: looks a lot like the symbol of the Rebel Alliance in Star Wars? I find it hilari...
Promesse de fleurs : la passion des belles plantes 18 Mar 2010 | 08:47 pm est une boutique de vente en ligne de plantes pour votre jardin. Une équipe de passionnés de plantes vous conseille, vous guide et vous propose des plantes adaptées à votre jardin...