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August 2013 - Who's made a mark this summer? 27 Aug 2013 | 01:09 am
Summer is always a bit slow - so I awarded myself some time off for days out and weekends off! Plus I've started to start making "proper artwork" again with my pencils - although I've still got proble...
Use Google PageSpeed Insights Tool to check how fast your website loads 26 Aug 2013 | 05:58 pm
Do you know how well your website or blog renders on a mobile device or a normal computer? This is a link to the updated Google Developers PageSpeed Insights Tool. You can use this to identify: how ...
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Recommended books and seminars. 19 May 2012 | 06:39 am
1. ” Intelligent Investor “- Benjamin Graham – Warren Buffet’s famous book tu. i pretty liked it. But i have to accept lots of things have changed last 4 decades. So, i advise to read re visio...
More Recommended Books About Dogs 15 Apr 2012 | 02:47 am
I recently cleaned up my bookshelves and boxes of books, and organized my folders of E-books. It was not my intention to look for more books about dogs, but luckily I stumbled upon some more helpful b...
Required Reading: Daniel Chait 25 May 2012 | 04:56 am
This post is part of General Assembly’s new blog series, Required Reading, in which we ask GA instructors to recommend books, websites, and other resources that have helped them become experts in thei...
Required Reading: Lauren Perkins 18 May 2012 | 02:08 am
This post is part of General Assembly’s new blog series, Required Reading, in which we ask GA instructors to recommend books, websites, and other resources that have helped them become experts in thei...
Highly recommended Books... 22 Oct 2009 | 02:00 pm
Last weekend we went to MPH, kakak bought her Chick lit books. Orang dah merdeka lah katakan, apa lagi nak buat??? Her fav writers are Cecilia Ahern & Sophie Kinsella. Mamamia pun boleh tumpang sekaki...
Books 24 Feb 2010 | 09:59 pm
It can be hard to find a good werewolf books. Check out some of the recommended books from our visitors! [stream provider=youtube flv=http%3A// img=x:/img.youtub...
My Recommended Books on Resilience and Thriving 4 Feb 2012 | 08:01 pm
At a personal and at the community level we are all looking for ways to thrive in tough times. It is surely a struggle our families and our friends. So much change, so much uncertainty even as we hear...
Partha’s Recommended Forex Trading Books 27 Sep 2011 | 03:49 pm
Posted in General Below is Partha’s recommended books for traders. Partha is a Knowledge to Action professional trader and hosts many of the weekly Forex training webinars. Street Smarts by Larry Co...
Recommended Books 20 Mar 2012 | 12:38 am
THE MESSENGER Rangkaian kata tak dapat melukiskan begitu indahnya karya Tuhan dalam mozaik alunan kehidupan “Ps. Agnes Maria.” Langkah perjalanan dimulai dari membangun pernikahan. Dalam diam sosok P...
Recommended Spanish Books 21 Jan 2011 | 12:28 am
Take a look at our recommend books to learn Spanish on our shop page: Learning Spanish Books