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Take Action: Colorado: Call upon Secretary of State Mike Coffman to reinstate voters 24 Mar 2009 | 01:29 pm
Democracy Alert: Colorado: Call upon Secretary of State Mike Coffman to reinstate voters
Take Action: Video the Vote 24 Mar 2009 | 01:29 pm
Democracy Alert: Video the Vote
More recruiters and minors laws related news:
Holdout law schools to accept military recruiters 15 Aug 2011 | 04:34 am
For Vermont Law School, the price of standing on principle was $500,000.
Union Bank of India UBI Recruitment 2012 Results Law Officer and Specialist Officer Assistant Manager 1 Oct 2012 | 05:40 pm
Return of the Pillories and Four People We Should Put in Them Today 11 Apr 2013 | 11:36 pm
Once upon a time, we had a way to punish miscreants who broke minor laws or did something so amazingly stupid that the community felt a need to make a public example of them so that others would be le...
New Senior Appointment for Minster Law 9 Jul 2013 | 03:12 pm
Another senior recruit strengthens Minster Law’s expanding Complex Claims department. Adam Nabozny joined Minster Law in early May 2013 as Senior Manager, leading their growing Employer Liability / O...
Tokyo Bans Sale of Hentai to Minors -- Shrug-worthy Regulation or Slippery Slope? 20 Dec 2010 | 03:31 am
On December 15, 2010, Tokyo passed a law prohibiting the sale to minors of any manga which "promotes illegal or immoral sexual activity." A previous law proposal to prevent the sale to minors of all d...
The Rights of Parents of a Child Who Is an EU National 9 Aug 2011 | 08:17 pm
The European Court of Justice, which is the “supreme court” of European Union law, has recently made a very important judgement in a case called Zambrano. The court ruled that if a minor child is an ...
37 22 Mar 2010 | 08:05 am
so we have moved......... well, sorta. living at the parents/in-laws for the time being as we begin to reno our little bungalow into a family pad for me, case, g and finner. we went through minor reno...
NY Times Report on Deaths in Immigration Detention 7 May 2008 | 10:01 am
The Times describes the horrible conditions in jails and other facilities for immigrants being held by the US government, often for minor violations of immigration law. The story, published yesterday,...
Battle for Choice Heats Up in Alaska 16 Feb 2012 | 08:08 am
There is a battle heating up in Alaska. Oddly, the rest of the country does not seem interested. Planned Parenthood of the Great Northwest is challenging an Alaska law that requires minors seeing ab...
Sports Injury Law 7 Mar 2011 | 10:39 pm
Sports are a pastime and are meant to be fun. Minor injuries can occur and are even inevitable in certain sports but serious injury caused by another person is a different story and may be grounds for...