Most recursive function in php related news are at: – PHP Women : An inclusive & global support network

Submit your talks! 30 May 2013 | 05:00 pm

If you want to talk on a conference the first step is to come up with a topic. Done that? Great! Now write and submit your abstract. These conferences currently have their Call For Papers open, if you...

DPC here we come! 8 May 2013 | 11:57 pm

It has been a while since our last real presence at a conference, so it is time for a change. PHPWomen will be present at DPC (also known as the Dutch PHP Conference) in Amsterdam, June 7th and 8th. W...

More recursive function in php related news:

Count the Lines of Code in your Web Application with PHP 16 Jun 2011 | 06:06 am

Have you ever wanted to know how many lines of code your web application consists of? I have.  To find out, I created a recursive function in PHP to count the number of lines in files relating to my w...

Posting to Twitter Using the load() Function for PHP 8 Jul 2009 | 07:00 pm

Due to the super simple API that's provided by twitter, its very easy to post to Twitter. And thats made even simpler by using the load() function. As simple as this... Read 'Posting to Twitter Using...

Blended Colours by Opacity, a PHP Function 26 Mar 2007 | 12:54 pm

A PHP function to find blended colours by opacity levels.

Recursive function to retrieve the Category and Sub Category list 30 May 2011 | 05:22 am

At first I am trying to give a little bit overview about the Recursive Function. Recursive Function:  A recursive function is a function that calls itself during its execution. This enables the funct...

Write a small function to calculate n to the power of n? 31 Jan 2011 | 11:56 pm

In the above question the interviewer is expecting the logic behind the scene (Recursive). Actually he may directly ask you to write a recursive function to calculate N to the power of N, or given num...


Introduction A recursive function is a function that calls itself. Some problems can be easily solved by using recursion, such as when you are dividing a problem into sub- problems with similar nature...


Introduction If you analyze the address of local variables of the recursive function, you will get two important results: the depth of recursion and the stack overheads in recursion. Since local varia...

Validating An Email Address Using filter_var Function In PHP 28 May 2012 | 03:52 am

Gone are the days when you had to write tones of regular expressions to validate an email address. You can validate an email address in a very simple way using the filter_var function. In this tutoria...

PHP recursive menu with 1 query 11 Jul 2011 | 08:41 pm

There are a lot of methods how to fetch menu with submenus. But I will show you how to get all menu with submenu data from database in one query and make recursive display with PHP. Table “menu” schem...

خطای Call to undefined function در php 31 Mar 2012 | 05:22 am

شاید شما هم هنگام برنامه نویسی با PHP با خطاهای نحوی (Syntax Errors) زیادی مواجه شده باشید.یکی از اون خطاها، خطای Call to undefined function هست که در این مطلب دلایل وقوع این خطا در برنامه نویسی php ر...

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