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Remote Backup Services 11 Dec 2010 | 03:57 am
Do you require an offsite backup solution for your buisness? We offer the following: Server Spec CentOS 5.5 32 bit 256 MB Dedicated Ram 300 GB Of HDD Storage 1500 GB of Bandwidth per Month Pre ...
Is your mission critical data backed up and protected? 6 Apr 2012 | 03:04 am
Is your mission critical data backed up and protected? A quick Google search for remote backup software returned 6,810,000 results. I’d say that’s significant. I think everyone agrees that mission cr...
Details of two-way sync between two Ubuntu machines 19 Apr 2011 | 08:48 am
In a previous post I discussed my frustrations with trying to get Dropbox or Spideroak to perform BOTH encrypted remote backup and AND fast two way file syncing. This is the detail of how I set up for...
Jomar Offsite Backup Storage Options 26 Sep 2011 | 04:14 pm
Jomar Remote Backup Service Consists of Two Components: Backup Software and Offsite Storage. Jomar Offsite Backup Storage Options Tier 1 Storage - Triple-Redundant Storage with 14-Day Retention in J...
Jomar Remote Backup Software 26 Sep 2011 | 04:11 pm
Jomar Remote Backup Service Consists of Two Components: Backup Software and Offsite Storage. Jomar Remote Backup Software Backup Software uses StorageCraft Image-based Snapshot Backup Technology. D...
Using Windows 7 Backup vs. Remote Backup Services 7 Aug 2010 | 03:32 pm
Windows 7 builds upon Windows Vista’s Backup and Restore feature, making it easier than ever to save copies of your current system image and media files. Several third party companies provide Windows ...
Changed from MSSQL to MySQL 2 Sep 2009 | 05:56 am
I have changed the database server from Microsoft SQL Server to MySQL because it is easier to do remote backups via MySQL. I think I've ironed out any problems in the coding but if you find any then l...
DirectPointe and C7 Data Centers Sign Multi-Year Agreement 4 Mar 2009 | 03:00 am
DirectPointe and C7 Data Centers Sign Multi-Year Agreement C7 Data Centers, Inc. (C7), the leading provider of colocation, virtualization, remote backup, and disaster recovery solutions in the Interm...
Simple Drupal Remote Backup 18 Mar 2012 | 03:47 pm
Like many web types I have a number of small websites I look after, and I've never been happy with my backup solution. Until today. My requirements are simple, create a backup of the database and fil...
Remote Backup with one click restore 3 Jun 2012 | 06:59 am
Remote Cpanel Backup with one click Restore of files or mail or MySql ! A new addon for our Linux Shared Hosting accounts is now available in our client's area! Daily/Weekly/Monthly backup to a remo...