Most repository cydia related news are at:

Haier U53 Cellulare old-style 26 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Haier U53 è un cellulare DualSIM entrylevel con tastiera QWERTY e tasti dedicati alla messaggistica come Yahoo e Skype (applicazioni integrate). Si tratta evidentemente di un modello semplice, entry-l...
Haier V700 Cellulare Dual SIM di base 23 Aug 2013 | 03:00 am
Haier V700 è un cellulare DualSIM entrylevel con tastiera alfanumerica. Si tratta di un modello elementare, senza particolari pretese, progettato per essere usato prevalentemente per ricevere ed effet...
More repository cydia related news:
MyRepoSpace, faire son repository Cydia n’a jamais été aussi simple 15 Aug 2013 | 01:18 am
Cydia c’est une veille histoire entre Apple et Saurik. A l’origine, créer un repository pour installer des packages sur les iPhones jailbreakés nécessitait des connaissances techniques que seul les ha...
Solucionar el fallo de apariencia a iPod Touch en el iPad 30 Mar 2011 | 10:18 pm
Instalas cydia, instalas un par de cosillas, reinicias y PUF! iconos pequeños, fallos gráficos en la apariencia y ves como tu iPad se a transformado en un iPod Touch gigante, pero literalmente: Esto ...
Mercurial 29 Jun 2011 | 12:54 am
User Alexandrul has been so kind to provide with a pre-configured BitBucket repository mirroring SVN. This means you can get the development version of FlatPress both via Subversion and via Mercurial...
First steps towards collaboration with Debian 25 Oct 2011 | 09:03 pm
A few months ago StormOS joined the Debian Derivatives Exchange. This means that StormOS is now on the Debian Census and the repository is being diffed against Debian proper to create a full set of pa...
hosting sorted 5 Oct 2011 | 04:30 am
I mentioned in my last post that due to the APT repositories growing faster than I had expected that I was running out of space and would likely not be able to host the StormOS Pre-Alpha ISO myself. S...
Kategorien "Jailbreak" und "Cydia Applikationen" überarbeitet 23 Feb 2012 | 01:32 pm
Knapp 9 Tage nach den letzten Beiden Kategorien, konnte heute die Revidierung der Beiden Kategorien "Jailbreak" und "Cydia Applikationen" fertig gestellt werden. Diese Bereiche sind nun also wieder au...
WordPress Plugins – Using the Options Table Properly 8 Jul 2010 | 04:02 am
Note: if you’re not a WordPress plugin developer, this probably won’t interest you. I ran across this again today, hence my rant: I installed a plugin from the WordPress Plugin Repository ( the plac...
Pears 8 Feb 2012 | 12:40 pm
Yesterday, on stage at An Event Apart Atlanta, I announced Pears: an open source WordPress theme for creating your own markup & style pattern library. I wanted to create my own database repository of...
How to Block or Remove Cydia Ads on iPhone/iPod Touch 26 Feb 2010 | 08:15 pm
Advertisements appearing in Cydia apps and other applications on your iDevice are very annoying. Disabling or removing the ads in Cydia & other apps on your iPhone or iPod Touch is very easy. Just fol...
Aplicaciones cydia para tu iPhone 7 Apr 2012 | 04:43 am
Si tienes un iPhone, seguro estas buscando aplicaciones cydia para poder optimizar al máximo su rendimiento y así poder sacarle el mayor provecho, es por eso que queremos recomendarte que visites el b...