Most resto druid gems related news are at:

Into the Emerald Dream 14 Aug 2010 | 03:00 am
EDIT: Sorry guys, until I reactivate the blog, comments are locked. This will keep me from having to police the comments for spam until then. If you need to contact me, please use 4haelz AT gmail DOT ...
Beta: Sorry About the Teasing 30 Jul 2010 | 02:35 am
In all honesty, I have not had any time to play the Beta. I've got some screenshots to share with you, and I'll hopefully be able to log in soon and get some real testing of the new tree done for you ...
More resto druid gems related news:
A Day in the Life of a PuG Tank (Beruthiel) 13 Oct 2010 | 07:01 pm
This is a guest post from Beruthiel of Falling Leaves and Wings. She blogs about healing, raiding, and being a resto druid. *Yawn* *Stretch* Little Nadine stretches out after a bit of inactivity, lo...
Creating a Worgen Druid and Leveling in the Starting Area to Level 7 24 Apr 2012 | 12:38 am
We are going to take a new spin on your Restoration Druid and we are going to walk you through how to build a great character for you Wow’ers to enjoy throughout your game play- The Resto Druid! Crea...
Haste in Cataclysm 24 Jan 2011 | 11:19 pm
Now that Cataclysm is here, how much haste do I need as a Resto Druid?? I’m afraid there is no easy answer, only a set of goals you can strive for… the numbers below assume a 5% haste buff from someo...
*APPROVED* Sinmaster resto druid aplication 10 Jul 2009 | 01:42 am
our Name: Sasha Age: 23 Nationality: Romanian Describe yourself with 3 words: I'm just a regular everyday normal m**********r Character Name: Sinmaster Class: Druid Level: 80 Professions: Herba...
10 Boxing WoW – Feedback Requested! 10 Aug 2012 | 07:30 am
I am thinking about 10 boxing again. The last time I did this was when WOTLK first came out, and I rolled 10x Shaman, or 9x Shaman 1x Resto Druid. Firstly, as you guys probably know, I love leveling a...
What Resto Druids Need To Know For 5.3 20 May 2013 | 09:56 pm
Tomorrow’s release of Patch 5.3 brings a few changes that are important to know for Resto Druids. As such, I thought it might be worthwhile to go over a few things that you want to be aware of and rea...
Hearthstone beta: The wait is over! 19 Aug 2013 | 06:09 am
So, I was supposed to spend this weekend getting my 5.4 resto druid healing guide together. However, much to my surprise, Hearthstone’s beta launched and I got a day-one beta key. That means I spent m...
Happy 5.3 patch day! 21 May 2013 | 08:15 pm
The new 5.3 patch is going live today. This has fairly big changes for resto druids, especially those in 25-man raiding. Druid 5.3 changes I have a post up describing the major 5.3 changes for resto &...
Re: Strafingcar 90 Tauren Resto Druid 25 Jul 2013 | 07:22 am
it was pretty funny watching you healing last night as tarecgosa skymirror! haha
Nicsatamp - Resto/Ele Shaman 26 Sep 2011 | 03:26 pm
Application Form: What raiding position are you applying for? Resto Shaman although I am also planning to have my druid ready for 4.3 as they seem to outshine shams in every way at the moment. Whic...