Most resto shaman related news are at:

Status Check: The Healing Game as of 5.3 26 Jun 2013 | 08:42 pm
These past few months of progression, combined with a work schedule that refuses to ease up, have left me with a billion ideas about the game and a folder full of half-written, conceptualized, or hast...
Tier 15: Reflections on the Journey 28 May 2013 | 07:15 pm
It was at 2:30am ET on last Wednesday morning that Tier 15 came to a close for the members of Promethean’s raid team. On the heels of an absolutely heart-wrenching 1% wipe the night before, and after ...
More resto shaman related news:
Nicsatamp - Resto/Ele Shaman 26 Sep 2011 | 03:26 pm
Application Form: What raiding position are you applying for? Resto Shaman although I am also planning to have my druid ready for 4.3 as they seem to outshine shams in every way at the moment. Whic...
Resto Shaman Glyphs at 25 10 Sep 2011 | 08:19 am
As a companion post to the 21-30 leveling guide, this is the guide to the Shaman glyphs available once you hit level 25 up through 30. The best part is that I was all “I’ll have it up within the week!...
Lnstinct vs Kael'Thas [World of Warcraft Movies] 24 Feb 2010 | 05:53 am
Lnstinct takes down Kael'Thas Sunstrider (2/21/2008). Song: Achilles' Last Stand - Led Zeppelin. Resto Shaman perspective.
Resto Shamans’ Best Practices for MoP (and their WoL queries) 5 Feb 2013 | 12:11 am
Since the beginning of January, when my progression in Tier 14 came to a close, I’ve finally been able to kick back my heels a bit, finish up some lingering items on my to-do list and get deeper invol...
Resto Shaman Tier 15: New Design, Old Problems? 16 Feb 2013 | 12:58 am
(With only a proposed 3 weeks until patch 5.2 hits and the Throne of the Thunder is unlocked, I’m not sure the topic of this post is going to be entirely relevant but … what the hell, I spent time wri...
The Patch 5.2 Summary for Resto Shaman 5 Mar 2013 | 07:32 pm
It seems like just yesterday that I was finding my way through Pandaria, leveling up through a world of new zones and getting acclimated with our newest tools. But, here it is on the launch of the sec...
How To: Twin Consorts Constellation Running 29 Apr 2013 | 07:04 pm
It all started with a seemingly innocuous whisper one evening … “You know, Method had their Resto Shaman do constellations on Hard Mode Twin Consorts”. At the time I laughed the idea off, thinking it ...
Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17325, Resto Shaman and Windwalker Concerns, Blue Tweets 23 Aug 2013 | 03:06 am
Patch 5.4 PTR - Build 17325 Build 17325 will be deployed to the PTR realms soon. Spell Changes Originally Posted by MMO-Champion Death Knight (Forums, Talent Calculator) Blood Soul Reaper now doe...
[H10][US-PST] <Nerve> is looking for a resto shaman! 26 Aug 2013 | 07:09 am
Hi, We're 4/13H and looking for one open healing spot for our main 10 man raid. We'd like to fill this spot quickly and get into 5.4 strong already knowing each other and working together well. We r...
Alianças de Ouro 22 Nov 2009 | 02:49 pm
A cerimonia de casamento continua a ser selada com as alianças de ouro. Ano após ano esta joia em ouro continua a acompanhar o casal no altar e para o resto das suas vidas.