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More resultat green card 2012 related news:
London 2012 Olympics: Hockey tactics with Katie Long – Daily Mail 16 May 2012 | 12:48 pm
Daily MailLondon 2012 Olympics: Hockey tactics with Katie LongDaily Mail6 MINS The game is young, but already an Argentinian player is given a green card. Long: A green card is a warning. Say... Plea...
Green Card Lottery 2012 4 Oct 2012 | 02:33 pm
Bereits am Dienstag dieser Woche, dem 2. Oktober 2012, ist die Green Card Lottery 2012 (DV2014) gestartet. Jeder, der das Auswandern in die USA in Erwägung zieht, sollte sein Glück also versuchen. Die...
Star Wars Admiral Ackbar Action Figure 3 May 2013 | 03:43 pm
Star Wars Admiral Ackbar Action Figure Star Wars ADMIRAL ACKBAR 3.75″ Green Card POTF Figure MOC! $4.99 2011 STAR WARS VINTAGE U9.0 REVENGE LOGO ADMIRAL ACKBAR AFA 2010 2012 $39.99 Star Wars The Pow...
Türkiye'den Yedi Yılda 1 Milyon Kişi Yeşil Kart Çekilişine Başvurdu 20 Aug 2013 | 02:36 am
Turk Avenue Özel - Amerika'da yaşama ve çalışma hakkı veren ve her yıl kura ile belirli ülke vatandaşlarına verilen Yeşil Kart'a (Green Card) başvuranların sayısı bir milyonu geçti. 2007-2012 yıllarıd...
In 2012, as many as 35,472 Indians with H-1B visas got green cards 8 Aug 2013 | 09:18 am
Times of India has reported that 35,472 Indians with H-1B visas got green cards. I know green card offers opportunities for young people to fulfill their dreams. However, this is not good for India. I...