Most ret paladin rotation related news are at:

A little something for that frown 13 Jun 2011 | 02:36 pm
Hey time to perk up a bit! A little good news can go a long way, so here we have it for you; Retribution Inquiry of Faith now increases Inquisition duration by 66/133/200%, up from 50/100/150%. Intere...
Azeroth in Trouble 31 May 2011 | 04:47 am
Activision-Blizzard announced earlier this month that subscriptions of its crown jewel had fallen 5 percent
More ret paladin rotation related news:
Guest Post: Just Say The Word 17 Aug 2011 | 02:32 am
Hi there. I’m Pliers, the new ret paladin in town. Antigen’s been kind enough to offer me a chance to guest post. I’m working on a longer post that’ll go into how I came to be a ret paladin and the st...
Retribution Paladin Patch 4.2 Experience From Omebagger! 1 Sep 2011 | 01:26 am
Hello, My personal view is that Ret Paladin in patch 4.2 has around 75% stable rotation output, with the last 25% to be dependent on RnG: - Absolute random (and to be honest sucking) procrate on Divin...
Ret Paladin Site is Updated Soon! 10 Jun 2011 | 03:33 am
Hello Guys, My name is Abdou, and I am proud to be the new owner of this great site. I took over this website a few weeks ago from Charlie (Khor) with intention of keeping the site alive and updated w...
Selfless Healer Nerf 13 Apr 2011 | 10:54 am
After being buffed it looks like Selfless Healer is back down to 10 seconds, this is probably to keep PvE Ret Paladins from taking this buff and for them to focus on DPS. This might be good news thoug...
Scariest news of the day 22 Oct 2011 | 10:27 am
So today I wanted to write about how I'm making the move back to Adgamorix - my original angry bald Paladin. I've been tanking in Firelands, healed it some more, and even have a viable ret build. Sl...
Retribution Paladin Patch 4.1 Live 27 Apr 2011 | 01:04 pm
As you well know, Patch 4.1 is live. Nothing ground breaking for us Rets, but here is the lowdown on what we saw changed: General Righteous Fury now persists through death. Word of Glory now has a 20...
Patch 4.0.6 7 Feb 2011 | 03:00 pm
Patch 4.0.6 is confirmed for this week. This post is a collection of all the changes that are going to be affecting your Paladin this upcoming Tuesday (from a Ret’s perspective of course!) A video is ...
Paladin RET : Kpriss 11 Feb 2012 | 10:55 am
Pseudo IG :Kpriss Classe : Paladin (ret) Race : elfe de sang femelle sa beauté est au diapason de ses origines elfiques ( La classe ) Niveau : 85 Métiers : Caligraphe 525 + herbo 525 + archéologie...