Most review aha touch related news are at:

Test ah 2 Oct 2010 | 03:02 am
If you're a numbers geek, you're trying to be scientific about your next smartphone purchase, or you just like pretty colors, you might appreciate DisplayMate's latest report rounding up e...
Sunset Policy Diperpanjang Hingga Februari 2009 31 Dec 2008 | 04:07 am
Kutipan : Mengingat banyaknya wajib pajak yang belum mendaftarkan hingga 31 Desember 2008, pemerintah memperpanjang sunset policy hingga Februari 2009. Demikian dikatakan Menteri Keuangan Sri Mulyani...
More review aha touch related news:
AHA Touch Promo Carrefour on 25 – 29 January 2012 25 Jan 2012 | 10:43 pm
Bakrie Connectivity with AHA Touch give special promo in 25 Carrefour location in Jakarta starting from today January 25, 2012 until January 29, 2012. Free Super Mega package. here are... Read more »
Latest Mobile Reviews 26 Oct 2010 | 01:08 am
Acer touch E130 Review The Acer be Touch E130 is that rare beast -- an Android phone with a BlackBerry-style Qwerty keyboard Nokia N8 review The bigger they come, the harder they fall. Indeed, it's h...
AHA Touch 11 Feb 2011 | 02:31 pm
Bagi anda yang ingin merasakan kecanggihan HP dengan system operasi Android 2.2 Froyo, atau anda yang ingin merasakan kecanggihan Samsung Galaxy Tab namun saat ini belum mampu untuk membelinya maka an...
AHA Touch Ponsel Android CDMA Harga Murah 1.5 Juta Rupiah 7 Feb 2011 | 12:23 am
PT. Bakrie telecom saat ini sedang gencar memasarkan produknya yang bernama Aha. Sebelumnya Aha hanya berupa produk modem yang dilengkapi Google Chrome. Namun, saat ini PT. Bakrie Telecom melakukan...
AHA Touch Ponsel Huawei Ideos Android CDMA Harga Murah 1.5 Juta Rupiah 3 Feb 2011 | 02:34 pm
PT. Bakrie telecom saat ini sedang gencar memasarkan produknya yang bernama Aha. Sebelumnya Aha hanya berupa produk modem yang dilengkapi Google Chrome. Namun, saat ini PT. Bakrie Telecom melakukan in...
iPod Touch 16GB Review 20 Jun 2009 | 06:54 pm
iPod Touch 16GB Second Generation In the year 2007, Apple released a model of the three categories, the Classic, Nano and Touch. The first generation Touch was nothing but an iPhone without the phone...
Sony VAIO Duo 11 Touch Ultrabook Features, Specification and Reviews 7 Feb 2013 | 01:37 am
First touch screen branded laptop is ready for your hands to enjoy. Sony launched it as VAIO Duo 11 Touch Ultrabook. The laptop + Tablet is firstly introduced to customer from Sony. With more flexible...
Review: Soft Touch Flex Holder for iPad2 28 Feb 2013 | 11:43 pm
I’ve had my iPad for a little over a year and I have a love/hate relationship with it. I LOVE that it’s portable, easy to use, and bigger than my phone to read blog posts and play games. I HATE the iP...
Review K-Touch Lotus II 28 Apr 2013 | 11:01 am
Setelah 2 hari mencoba produk terbaru K-Touch Mobile Indonesia ini, saat nya menuliskan beberapa hasil review dari saya. Untuk di ketahui, K-Touch Lotus II ini merupakan ponsel android Quad Core yang ...
Review: A Touch of Nazi 1 May 2013 | 06:39 am
Details Title: A Touch of Nazi Creator: John Bucksnort Dos Version Released: 07/08/2000 SDL Version Released: 23/06/2012 Length: 9 Levels (1 secret) from John, Barry Christian, Harry Mass Snr. & Schab...