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– Whistleblower Lawyer Blog :: Published by National Qui Tam Whistleblower Attorneys Finch McCranie, LLP
The False Claims Act and the New Georgia "Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act' 8 Aug 2013 | 02:30 am
After I helped draft Georgia's new False Claims Act enacted last year, the "Taxpayer Protection False Claims Act," I have been asked many questions about this new whistleblower law. Like the federal F...
Liechtenstein Bank Secrecy Gives Way in $23.8 Million IRS Settlement That Exposes US Tax Evaders 31 Jul 2013 | 08:12 am
Another shoe dropped for offshore tax evaders today, in an encouraging sign for the IRS Whistleblower Office. A Liechtenstein bank avoided prosecution by agreeing to turn over files on 200 U.S. custo...