Most rewrite lighttpd wordpress related news are at:

举报垃圾短信的 android app 16 Jun 2013 | 08:26 pm
今天有点时间,照着网上例子边学边写,做了人生第一个 android app。 功能很简单,就是列出所有短信,然后可以选择举报,程序会把垃圾号码加 * 然后和垃圾内容合一起,砍掉超过 70 字的部分,然后发送给 10086999。发送短信部分不是直接发的而是很土鳖的调用系统短信程序,还得手动再按下发送。原因是MTK双卡机上直接发默认用的是第一个卡,而我移动卡是第二个卡,看了一下双卡机接口,发现很折...
V970 4.1 的 2.5g 大 /data 3 Mar 2013 | 08:14 pm
现在外面流传着一个印尼版的 V970M ROM, 4.1 的,这个版本貌似很多人大 /data 的刷了以后出各种奇怪问题,试验了一下我的这个似乎没啥问题。就是 /system/etc/vold.fstab 要稍微改一点,因为在 4.1 里面 sd 改 mount 在 /storage/sdcard0 了。其他一切照旧即可。
More rewrite lighttpd wordpress related news:
Why do I get a 404 not found error in wordpress when I password protect a directory? 13 Mar 2012 | 11:59 pm
Problem: Why when I password protect a sub-directory and try going to the folder WordPress gives a 404 error? This problem comes from the rewrite engine WordPress uses to make search friendly URL’s. ...
Direktori Terproteksi Dan Mod-Rewrite Pada WordPress 6 Dec 2008 | 10:42 pm
Untuk membuat direktori yang terproteksi pada sebuah website, kita bisa menggunakan file .htpasswd yang akan mengatur hak akses sesuai username dan password tertentu. Pada website ini, saya menggunaka...
Best WordPress hacks 19 Jul 2010 | 07:28 am
A list of WordPress resources and hacks picked from my bookmarks. Enjoy! Widgets Digging into WordPress – Declare Multiple Widgetized Areas Rewrite rules – Flush rules on activate pl...
WordPress Writeagain! – Content Rewriter Plugin 23 Nov 2012 | 06:25 pm
WordPress Writeagain! – Content Rewriter Plugin Automatically Convert All The Duplicate Articles On Your WordPress Blog Into Unique Content! Just Activate The Plugin And It Will Rewrite All Your Conte...
Disable Title Rewrite in WordPress SEO 14 May 2013 | 01:21 pm
Here are two simple filters to remove the rewrite of content functionality provided by WordPress SEO: // Remove the wp_title filter add_action( 'init', 'remove_wpseo_title_rewrite' ); function remove_...
WordPress Multisite Nginx 的伪静态(Rewrite)规则 28 Oct 2011 | 03:44 pm
WordPress是一个注重美学、易用性和网络标准的个人信息发布平台。WordPress 虽为免费的开源软件,但其价值是无法用金钱来衡量。使用WordPress可以搭建功能强大的网络信息发布平台,但更多...
Nginx WordPress Mu FastCgi_Cache Conf Rewrites 2 Sep 2009 | 05:17 pm
Nginx fastcgi cache with php-fpm can be a super fast of serving WordPress Mu. Nginx WordPress Mu FastCgi_Cache Conf Rewrites are an interesting thing to get set up because of the cookie situation. Yo...
mod rewrite nginx untuk wordpress 28 May 2011 | 03:42 am
tambahkan script berikut di nginx.conf setelah itu restart servicenya
WordPress在Nginx下确定能用的rewrite规则 22 Feb 2012 | 04:15 pm
没有出现wp-admin访问不了的情况。 加入nginx目录下的配置文件中(.conf) # WordPress简洁链接 if (!-e $request_filename) { rewrite ^/(.*)$ /index.php?q=$1 last; } .htaccess文件内容: # BEGIN WordPress <IfModule mod_rewrite.c> ...
WordPress Unique – Make your content unique 18 Oct 2011 | 08:38 pm
WordPress Unique – This wordpress rewriter plugin make your content unique! Don’t forget this plugin for your autoblog site. If you’re looking for a plugin make your autoblog content unique, so this ...