Most ric rac japan related news are at:

the horse kind of bolted 22 Aug 2013 | 03:11 am
I mastered a ball (except for the finishing bit which annoys me more than I can say) So totally loving myself sick, glass of red wine in hand I spent some time on Etsy And bought a whole rainbow of ...
uncomfortable 13 Aug 2013 | 07:47 am
I’m not that comfortable with shop-hawking on the blog, but I have mentioned on Bookface that the code fortheloveoftuesday will get you a 25% discount in the big cartel shop….. over there under the he...
More ric rac japan related news:
Daily inpiration: ric-rac, flowers & pompom 20 Apr 2011 | 01:52 am
{top: Glamourama lampshades from Rice /\ bottom left: Retro Tulips Fabric from stefaniexu /\ bottom right: Pansy Purple Baby Pom Pom Trim from christopherpines}
Booming demand for farmland in the South East pushes prices higher 10 Sep 2012 | 03:31 pm
RICS/RAC Rural Land Market Survey, H1 2012
Weekend in Wagga?? 18 Jun 2013 | 10:00 am
How would you like to join myself, Rosalie Quinlan and Jodie Carleton of Ric-Rac in a great retreat which is heading to Wagga Wagga? So excited to announce that "Urban Stitches" is going on a road tri...
Grand Paris: le gouvernement sort sa métropole forte 3 Jul 2013 | 04:09 pm
Ric-rac. Le gouvernement a attendu les derniers instants avant le passage du texte sur les métropoles en commission des lois de l'Assemblée nationale ce matin pour présenter sa version de celle du Gra...
August news 8 Aug 2013 | 04:07 pm
Sziasztok! Végre itt az új adag selyemszalag, sok csipke és farkasfog :) Klikk a képre :) Hello everybody, All the new silk ribbons, laces and ric-rac trims have been released. Click on the photo...
Shall I sew us a ric rac rainbow? 31 Jul 2013 | 05:00 pm
Hello peeps, I am writing this from freezing cold Melbourne (Australia) We are visiting friends and family as the girls are on Hong Kong summer school holidays. It has been great to get some respit...
Sponsor Love 25 Aug 2013 | 01:18 pm
Riley Blake, Geekly Glasses Hot Pink Fabric (USD $8.95 yard), Chit Chat Fabrics Timber Craft Cotton Reel with Green Ric Rac (AUD $12.00), The Stitching Cow Elise Shirt Sewing Pattern (USD $10.95, in...
Japans silver-label marathons 17 Mar 2008 | 02:00 am
Japan marathons did not win the gold but the IAAF gave silver labels to 10 of its annual meets - the second highest number. Whats up with that? Apparently, Japan has the Midas touch for organizing rac...
NHN Japan veröffentlicht BlackBerry-Version von LINE 18 Aug 2012 | 08:45 am
( - NHN Japan kündigte am 17. August die lang herbeigesehnte BlackBerry-Version seiner beliebten App ?LINE" für Gratis-Anrufe und Gratis-Messaging an. Das Unternehmen erklärte, man ric...
"Save Japan Dolphins" : le 1er septembre 2013 23 Aug 2013 | 10:19 am
L'Association Novatrice de Loisirs, ANL , souhaite soutenir et ainsi répondre à l' Appel International lancé par Ric O' Barry's pour la défense des dauphins en participant à la Journée du «Save Japan ...