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Episode 07 - MIcro Design - Top 10 Design Elements in Copenhagen's Bicycle Culture 26 Aug 2013 | 03:19 pm
The next episode in the series by Copenhagenize Design Co. überintern Ivan Conte is Micro Design, a natural follow-up to the previous episode on Macro Design. FILM SERIES: TOP TEN DESIGN ELEMENTS IN ...
Episode 06 - Macro Design - Top 10 Design Elements in Copenhagen's Bicycle Culture 19 Aug 2013 | 12:45 pm
Here we go... episode 06 of the Top 10 Design Elements in a bicycle-friendly Copenhagen. Über-intern Ivan Conte presents Copenhagenize's Kristen Maddox as she discusses the importance of Macro Design....
More ride bikes in copenhagen related news:
The CPH Crawl (II): Herman 31 Mar 2010 | 11:52 pm
After a short cab ride through snowy Copenhagen (and finishing off our brilliant doggy bags) we arrived at the hotel Nimb at the Tivoli where the one star Restaurant Herman is located. The Nimb is cle...
7 Ways to Practice Safety while Bike Riding 7 Sep 2010 | 05:40 pm
When you ride a bike you want to be safe. Bicycle riders are a part of the traffic stream since more people ride bikes as a form of transportation. Here are seven ways to stay safe when you set out on...
Snow Bird Century Ride 29 Mar 2012 | 03:50 am
Sunday, March 25th the Everglades Bicycle Club hosted their Snowbird Century ride. Bike Tech’s cycling club Velosport Cycling went out to ride the 62 mile course. Everyone came back saying everything ...
Do Not Ride Bikes Like Hell ! 1 Apr 2012 | 11:36 pm
Warning For People Riding Bikes Without Front Tires 8 Sep 2011 | 01:51 am
Although some people may see the adventure in it, we don’t recommend it. Even the caution signs around town warn against it. We understand that may not be enough to stop you. Maybe you’re a thrill see...
Horseback Riding & Biking 13 May 2012 | 09:55 am
Experience Ecuador in a unique and exciting way!
Consider this your wake up call. 5 Apr 2010 | 07:09 pm
According to a 2002 survey sponsored by the U.S. Department of Transportation, 27.3% of Americans over the age of 16 ride bikes. And according to the City Clerk’s office, there are 1.6 million registe...
To "free" Bike Fitness (figure) 31 Oct 2011 | 12:28 pm
In Vehicle Crowded street, the morning rush, traffic jam, is to cause headaches for things, sitting on the bus to see other people riding Bike Between the car and the car shuttle is enviable freedom, ...
Week of the Upset Stomach 14 Jun 2010 | 04:52 pm
Sunday: My first time riding up to Inskip!! Inskip in the background. Tuesday's ride with Jenette. Tuesday's Ride: Covered Bridge on Honey Run Rd. Tuesday's Ride: Bike path in Chico that leads to H...
Utter Biking Fails 15 Mar 2012 | 03:35 am
Riding bikes can be very dangerous you know, just look how some of these people are getting on. So we urge you to take extreme care when cycling around or you could end up in the next edition of this ...