Most rihanna and chris brown related news are at:

Take Care Of Yourself Because It Makes You Happy 27 Jan 2011 | 11:27 am by Liz Franz If you subscribe to W magazine and/or have the February 2011 issue handy, I encourage you to step away from my blog and go devour the article on page 90, which shares t...
Have A Sense Of Humor About Jeggings 12 Jan 2011 | 12:54 pm
flickr user KORAREEFi by Jake Kilroy I am a straight male and I can honestly tell you that nobody looked better in jeggings last year than Conan O’Brien. And it was because he laughed while wearing...
More rihanna and chris brown related news:
Rihanna wants Chris Brown back 11 Apr 2011 | 04:53 pm
Rihanna is allegedly looking to reconcile things up with Chris Brown and hopes the Feb. 8 infect that landed her in the facility choice “blow over” so they can working on, according to Star: We gunfi...
Rihanna: On Chris Brown Collaboration 16 Mar 2012 | 03:27 am
Rihanna adresses her collaboration with Chris Brown, her fashion line, her career and more in a recent interview with Ryan Seacrest On Collaborating With Chris Brown: Rihanna recalls beginning the col...
Rihanna Moving On After The Fight... 13 Feb 2009 | 09:22 pm
More information along with this picture has been released about Rihanna and Chris Brown's fight. E! has said Rihanna has told detectives that Chris choked her and then threatened to kill her during t...
Are Rihanna And Chris Brown Getting Ready To Go Public? 15 Mar 2012 | 07:08 pm
Are you ready to see Chris Brown and Rihanna together again? Well whether her fans like it or not Rihanna who recently reunited with Brown – the man who physically abused her in 2009 and left her on t...
Somethings to Consider 13 Mar 2009 | 05:56 am
Maybe someone should've given this to Rihanna...... or Chris Brown!!! LOL!!! Read on. It's good ish!! If a man wants you, nothing can keep him away. If he doesn't want you, nothing can make him stay....
Rihanna feat. Chris Brown – Birthday Cake (Remix) (Justincredible Acapella) 28 May 2012 | 11:24 pm
Rihanna feat. Chris Brown – Birthday Cake (Remix) (Justincredible Acapella)
Rihanna et Chris Brown vers le mariage ? 13 Mar 2012 | 10:35 pm
La saga de l’histoire d’amour entre Rihanna et Chris Brown n’en finit plus de faire l’actualité ! Les deux stars un temps séparées et aujourd’hui réconciliées se seraient récemment fiancées avec un ma...
OMG: Rihanna em outro barraco com o Chris Brown 11 May 2012 | 05:32 am
Rihanna e Chris Brown / Rihanna depois de ser agredida por ele. Depois de brigas, pancadas e até parceria com o Chris Brown, Rihanna voltou a se estranhar com o ex. Tudo começou quando Chris divulgou...
Rihanna and Chris Brown playing ‘naked photo shoot’ 4 Aug 2011 | 06:12 pm
Here is Rihanna and Chris Brown playing ‘naked photo shoot’ in an unidentified hotel. Was this before or after the Chris Brown Beating? I do believe those are Rihanna’s pink panties on Chris’ head! He...
Did Chris Brown leak Rihanna pics? 13 May 2009 | 04:46 am
Chris Brown’s reps are disputing online accusating that Chris was the one that sent out pictures of Rihanna on the net. Its known that the pictures are of a woman looking from behind & that another pi...