Most robert mugabe related news are at:

“As der Schwerter” ist umgezogen! 18 Jan 2012 | 10:51 am
“Viele Lichtjahre vom Mainstream entfernt dringt As der Schwerter in Galaxien vor, die nie ein Gutmensch zuvor gesehen hat” Hier könnt ihr euch auf unser neues, altes “Raumschiff Schwerterprise” beam...
Fjordman: Mein Nachmittag bei der Polizei 8 Aug 2011 | 12:54 am
Von Fjordman, übersetzt von Deep Roots. Das Original Fjordman: My Afternoon With The Police erschien am 5. August 2011 auf Gates of Vienna. Vorwort von Baron Bodissey: Die folgende Nachricht kam gera...
More robert mugabe related news:
Something about Hon. William Ruto violently reminds me of President Robert Mugabe of Zimbabwe, President Yoweri Museveni of Uganda and President Ahamedinejan of Iran. Just like the three presidents, h...
Robert Mugabe appointed UN "leader for tourism" 30 May 2012 | 10:00 am
Radio License in Neighboring Countries 17 May 2012 | 01:13 am
Details for obtaining radio licenses in neighboring countries. Namibia General Manager Namibian Communications Commission 56 Robert Mugabe Avenue WINDHOEK P/Bag ... keep reading
Thomas Mapfumo in NYC to speak at debut of Simon Bright film: "Robert Mugabe... What Happened?" 16 May 2012 | 04:21 am
Zimbabwean music legend Thomas Mapfumo will pass through New York this week, en route from South Africa, to speak at the debut of a new film about Robert Mugabe's legacy. The film, "Robert Mugabe... W...
Europa für Afrikaner: Ist Robert Mugabe ein Held? 1 Mar 2011 | 06:17 am
Druckversion (pdf) Von Fjordman, übersetzt von Deep Roots. Das Original “Europe for Africans: Is Robert Mugabe a Hero?” erschien am 11. September 2008 im Brussels Journal. Der Führer der Afrikan Yo...
Robert Mugabe appointed UN "leader for tourism" 30 May 2012 | 10:00 am
THE LAST DICTATORS 4 Jan 2012 | 04:31 am
#2. In 2011____X____ launched a "Last dictators" advert.The 60-second commercial shows a sad Robert Mugabe dining alone at Christmas in a large mansion while he reminisces about "happier times" with ...
Robert Mugabe appointed Envoy for Tourism by UN 30 May 2012 | 07:57 pm
Those of you who know me, all of two I think, will know that I have never had a high opinion of the UN. I can't believe they have appointed Mugabe to this position - they have given him credibility wh...
Robert Mugabe Appointed UN ‘Leader For Tourism’ 30 May 2012 | 05:30 pm
President Robert Mugabe has been appointed a UN “leader for tourism”, despite being subject to a travel ban. Mr Mugabe, 88, along with Michael Sata, the Zambian president, were honoured by the UN’s W...
Unhealthy Zimbabwe Exposes Wrong Priorities Of The Inclusive Government 3 Nov 2009 | 11:31 pm
More than six months after the inauguration of the Inclusive Government of Morgan Tsvangirai and Robert Mugabe, Zimbabwe faces a continuing health risk. The collapse of sewage and water infrastructure...