Most robots meta related news are at:

Надежность в аутсорсинге 8 Nov 2011 | 02:02 am
Проблема. Пришел проект, который компания не может в данный момент выполнить своими силами. Причин этого может быть масса, начиная от того, что все свои специалисты заняты на других проектах, или прос...
Размышления: Интернет-маркетинг в регионах, все ли так плохо? 17 Nov 2009 | 09:08 am
Как думаете, как сильно пользуются спросом услуги Интернет маркетинга в регионах? Все ли там глухо, как я часто слышал от москвичей? Делюсь своими мыслями и соображениями по тому поводу. Я многократ...
More robots meta related news:
How to Migrate from SEO Ultimate to WordPress SEO by Yoast 21 Apr 2012 | 02:47 pm
I've tried a few WordPress SEO plugins over the years, from All In One SEO Pack to Robots Meta and then to SEO Ultimate; but that was before Joost de Valk (a.k.a. Yoast) released WordPress SEO by Yoas...
Robot Meta Tag 31 Dec 2011 | 01:17 am
Apa robot meta tag dan bagaimana mereka terlihat seperti dan bagaimana Anda bisa menggunakannya? Webmaster dan perusahaan mesin pencari optimasi memanfaatkan standar meta tag ini. Tag akan memberitah...
How to Add Robots Meta Tag to a CakePHP View File 18 Jun 2010 | 08:06 pm
This is a pirated idea... and hats off to Maquel Collado for his wonder post Adding robots meta-tag to a CakePHP view You should check the original there. And here is a carbon copy: Code: <?php $h...
Robots Meta Eklentisi Ayarları 17 Feb 2010 | 08:03 am
Daha önce robots meta eklentisini anlatmıştık. Robots meta eklentisinin ayarları ve yapılandırmasının anlatımı için bir çok istek aldık. Çok faydalı bir eklenti olan robots meta eklentisinin ne yazık ...
Robots meta tags with php 4 Jul 2012 | 04:12 am
I just wrote this for one of my sites: <meta name="robots" content="<?php if (isset($_GET['page'])): ?>noindex,follow<?php else: ?>index,follow<?php endif;?>" /> If you’re interested, you’d replace ...
Robots Meta Tags 1 Dec 2012 | 07:41 am
Your search engine ranking can improve with a robots meta tags. Unlike human editors, search engines use digital robots, which act like mini vacuum cleaners, sucking up information about your web site...
Creating "robots" meta tag 24 Dec 2012 | 10:03 am
The "robots" meta tag looks similar to any meta tag, and should be added between the HEAD section of your page(s) in question: Here are examples: 1) This disallows both indexing and following of lin...
WP Robot Discount Code & Special Warrior Coupon Code 2 Nov 2011 | 09:50 pm
I have been using WP Robot for two years in many of my websites and I have set up the WP Robot in many of my client websites. WP Robot is currently the one and only powerful WordPress Autoposting Plug...
Extract Keywords From A Text String With PHP 22 May 2009 | 04:34 am
A common issue I have come across in the past is that I have a CMS system, or an old copy of WordPress, and I need to create a set of keywords to be used in the meta keywords field. To solve this I pu...
ROBOT UNICORN ATTACK 25 Jan 2012 | 04:24 am
мозговыносящая flash-игра. Представляет собой платформер-сайдскроллер с радужно-розовым дизайном, интересным музыкальным оформлением, дельфинами, феями, звездами и ВНЕЗАПНО главным персонажем — единор...