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2/20 @ DCAC Fuchs/Pearson/Smith 3 PM 18 Feb 2011 | 02:35 pm
Sunday, February 20, 3:00 pm Greg Fuchs, Alexa Pearson, & Rod Smith @ DC Arts Center Location: 2438 18th Street in Adams Morgan (south of Columbia Rd. on the west side of the street) All readings are...
Bouquet/Palmer/Smith at the Invisible Dog, Sunday, Dec 5, 3 PM 30 Nov 2010 | 05:38 am
Double Change and the Invisible Dog invite you to a reading by STÉPHANE BOUQUET, MICHAEL PALMER and ROD SMITH Music by Ha-Yang Kim (cello) Sunday, December 5 at 3pm at the Invisible Dog 51 Bergen...
Top Poetry Picks 12 Mar 2012 | 12:53 am
These are the poetry books that have impressed me the most so far this year. None are 2012 publications. Rod Smith's "Deed" Gil Ott's "The Whole Note" Michael Gottlieb's "The Likes of Us" Craig Wa...
Everything You Need 12 Jan 2009 | 01:00 pm
With the current economic situation, times are tough. It is times like these that make us wonder what we are going to do, and where we will find the things we need. In this devotion, Rod Smith tells o...
Why Former NFL Denver Bronco Rod Smith Loves MLM Especially Organo Gold 21 Aug 2013 | 10:00 pm
Rod Smith is a unique success story. He was raised in Arkansas, went to college at Missouri Southern State in Podunk Joplin Missouri, signed with the Broncos as an undrafted free agent, then went on t...
Game Report – Hamilton – March 27, 2012 29 Mar 2012 | 03:54 am
Copps Coliseum was lit up with an amazing Laser and Pyro Show that showcased the Legendary Hockey Heroes, Shutt, Smith, Anderson, Leeman, McLlwain, Muni, Marios, Fergus and Ledyard. TSN’s Rod Blac...
RuneScape three Tiara Helping to make 14 Sep 2012 | 06:21 am
Purchase your making crafts to help you around RuneScape grade 40 making crafts and even 20 smithing and even exploration. Then simply excavation magical and even try to make inside rods. That rods mo...
Solucionario: Contabilidad Avanzada Title: Advanced Accounting Autor: Floyd A. Beams, Joseph H. Anthony, Bruce Bettinghaus, Kenneth Smith Edición: 8va Edición. Editorial: Pearson Datos del Libro D...
Nicole Smith – Gets Our Rods Throbbin 15 Jun 2013 | 12:23 am
Nicole Smith – Hot Legs And Feet Nicole Smith limbers up in the ballet studio in her new scene today, and we are treated to a full show of her splendid 7.5 bare feet. Standing on tiptoe as she balance...