Most romance novel formula related news are at:

Crazy in love with Japanese anemones 24 Aug 2013 | 06:45 pm
(This "golden oldie" NRJW post was originally published on August 20, 2009.) I wonder why Ogden Nash never wrote a poem about Japanese anemones? The words roll trippingly off the tongue and suggest a...
This is your brain on writing 20 Aug 2013 | 06:04 pm
(This "golden oldie" NRJW post was originally published on January 30, 2007.) I've been writing all morning, and just now I decided to break for "elevenses," as my British friends call it. I made a l...
More romance novel formula related news:
The 20 Sexiest Barbie Dolls 8 Aug 2008 | 02:35 pm
Just call these dolls “too hot for the toy store” French Maid Barbie Pirate Barbie Supergirl Barbie Teacher Barbie Romance Novel Barbie, with Ken as “The Raider” Grease Sandy “Red Moon” Barbie ...
The moral lesson of cinderella story 15 May 2011 | 01:21 am
Check this out “Love Knows No Boundaries” My first fiction romance novel. A story based on true events and true feelings! I thin...
A Walk to Remember conversation 24 Apr 2012 | 08:51 pm
A Walk to Remember conversation A Walk to Remember is a 2002 American romance film based on the 1999 romance novel of the same name by Nicholas Sparks. The film stars Shane West and Mandy Moore, was d...
Amelia James 15 Dec 2011 | 09:16 am
Amelia James started reading steamy romance novels in junior high, but her mom took them away from her, so she started daydreaming instead. After she got married, she wrote some of her naughtier daydr...
Here there be bestselling novel formula 31 Jan 2012 | 06:53 am
Or not. Kā jau zināms, šajā pasaulē un šajos laikos vairs nevar ticēt nekam un nevienam. Sevišķi jau tam, kas rakstīts patoloģiskas meles, tfu, sapņotājas blogā. Principā es tikai gribu atzīmēties, k...
Why, It's About 5 O'Clock, Why Do You Ask? 6 Jan 2011 | 04:25 pm
For millennia, facial hair has been celebrated as not only a practical face warmer, fashion statement, and distinguishing feature in police reports and romance novels alike, but also as a personal ref...
Mistake #41730: Complimenting a stranger’s son with a... 18 Apr 2011 | 05:00 am
Mistake #41730: Complimenting a stranger’s son with a metaphor from a bad romance novel
Teens and Romance Novels 18 Apr 2011 | 06:32 am
**Warning the content below may piss you off. Sorry, but I feel like being blunt. I am in no mood to Sugar Coat.** -- Okay, when I was 13, before the big OMG TEENS ARE READING PARANORMAL ROMANCE!!! ...
Crystal Passion - Jo Goodman 22 Dec 2010 | 03:39 am
So. As you probably already know - Wendy has a weekly feature known as Random Romance Sunday where she randomly selects a romance novel and posts it up on her blog. A week ago sunday that random rom...
RaeAnne Thayne's Cranberry White Chocolate Chip Cookies 23 Mar 2012 | 12:30 am
Welcome, guest author RaeAnne Thayne! RaeAnne is the USA Today bestselling author of more than 40 romance novels, including her latest, WOODROSE MOUNTAIN, the second book of the Hope's Crossing series...