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GROW TIP: DUST IN THE BUD 21 Aug 2013 | 05:17 am
As we all know, fresh-growing marijuana bud is quite sticky. Very often, whether grown outdoors or in, it catches dust, dirt, dander, hair and fur, small insects, and other airborne particles. For tha...
HOLDER’S STRATEGIC RETREAT 19 Aug 2013 | 08:06 am
Attorney General Holder does not have a good record. He is one of the new cosmopolitan anti-rights proto-fascists. You can look at Guantanamo, the NSA-DEA-IRS scandal, and his coordination of the fede...
More root tip cannabis related news:
又是 Practical 6 Aug 2011 | 04:47 pm
这个星期 sem 1的学生上practical ,看 onion root tip 的slide, 画mitosis 的cell。 学生边看边画边讲话谈天,大家都很高兴。我就巡视,帮忙看看slide 和看看drawing, 时间到就催一催他们。 有些学生很有天分,很认真地作画。 有一组学生画好drawing后在做labeling,一面窃窃私语,一面笑。 我就走去查看他们的drawing。 结...
June 2013 CSIR NET JRF Biology Exam - Practice Questions 1 Mar 2013 | 09:31 pm
1. Vascular tissue that transports water in leaves connects directly to meristems in the root tip pistils in the flower root hairs in the epidermis xylem in the stem 2. Which three processes are ...
How To Save an Over-fertilized Palm Tree 5 Nov 2011 | 01:41 am
Question: Hi. I read your notes on fertilization and I feel certain the tree got fertilizer close to the roots. This winter was bitter cold (Jacksonville, fl) and some of the tips of the fronds got fr...
How to have clear skin 16 Jan 2012 | 06:25 am
Tips for how to have clear skin You can buy all the expensive skin beauty products in the world, but they will only treat the surface of your skin, which can not root out the problems effectively, man...
Tips to Choose Best WordPress Template for Business Site 29 May 2012 | 04:18 am
Choosing the best WordPress template for your business website can be a tough task, in case you are not clear about the basics. Having a deep rooted understanding of your business needs is imperative,...
Tips on Choosing Your Coffee Beans 26 Jul 2011 | 01:38 am
It is a familiar notion that plants grow better if they are rooted on rich soil. In general, we want to grow good plants because they are the ones who will start to bear high-quality fruits. The afore...
How To Create New House and Garden Plants By Using Stem Cuttings And Rooting Hormone 7 Sep 2010 | 01:23 am
A good gardening tip is that you can make more plants from your existing house and garden plants. This will cut out the expense of buying new house and garden plants. Look around for healthy plants to...
Five Top Tips For Growing Potatoes 21 Aug 2011 | 01:54 pm
Potatoes are one of the easiest root vegetables to grow. They are extremely versatile and can be grown in almost any kind of space from moderate sized containers to large fields.
Git Tip: Spin Off a Directory Into a New Branch the "Right Way" 10 Jun 2009 | 12:58 pm
One root directory in our git repository accounts for about 99.999% of files in the project. Tired of checking out 13,000 files each time I needed to switch between branches, I decided it was time to ...
Tips on handling large number of server: RSH come to rescue 21 Feb 2007 | 10:53 pm
How many server you have right now? If it below 10 then maybe you memorize all the user/root password in your head. If you don’t like remembering things, maybe you have some note written on your walle...