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Root Causes: 2/3 of Britain’s Dysfunctional Families are Fatherless 11 Mar 2012 | 08:21 am
In looking for the “root causes” of last summer’s riots, investigators discovered something: About 72,000 of the most troubled families, 60 per cent of those being targeted by the Government, are hea...
OFF Festival Katowice 2012: Do zobaczenia za rok! 6 Aug 2012 | 04:04 pm
To był niezapomniany weekend – roztańczeni Metronomy, dzicy Atari Teenage Riot, żywa magia Charlesa Bradleya, szaleni Swans, zjawiskowi Battles, charyzmatyczni Thurston Moore, Kim Gordon, Stephen Malk...
OFF Festival Katowice 2012: Do zobaczenia za rok! 6 Aug 2012 | 04:04 pm
To był niezapomniany weekend – roztańczeni Metronomy, dzicy Atari Teenage Riot, żywa magia Charlesa Bradleya, szaleni Swans, zjawiskowi Battles, charyzmatyczni Thurston Moore, Kim Gordon, Stephen Malk...
JustLeroy - ZigZag (Riot Ten Trap Remix) [FREE DOWNLOAD] just... 26 Aug 2013 | 07:29 am
JustLeroy - ZigZag (Riot Ten Trap Remix) [FREE DOWNLOAD] just drank some weed root beer feeling nice & smooth. room getting brighter…