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itti bitti Diapers Review and Giveaway! 16 Apr 2011 | 09:34 pm
There’s a new diaper line hitting the US markets with rave reviews right now; the itti bitti! While they have been around for several years and serged in popularity in other countries, they have only ...
Sponsor Spotlight – Graco 16 Apr 2011 | 01:08 pm
the next sponsor is one that is very well known and trusted in familes for year now, and I’m so excited to welcome them to the Bye Bye ‘Sposies event. Graco makes products with little ones in mind… ...
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President’s Day Weekend Sales are here! 19 Feb 2011 | 05:52 am
Spring Break is coming up! Get your bikini body ready with Medifast - $50 off any purchase of $275 or more! Use Coupon Code: FEB28H good until 2-28-11 And, book your Spring Vacation at Royal Resorts!...
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