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最近狠抓造谣门制造者! 26 Aug 2013 | 06:36 pm
网络真真假假,听风时风,造谣容易,辟谣难,最近各种造谣毁谤的案例抓的相当紧,频繁曝光刑拘。也不知道这帮人是怎么想的,每天都闲着在网上造谣不如在家带孩子呢。 中石化女处长牛郎门造谣者被拘 懒得上图,这种人货不看也罢! 以下段落来自新青年: “这次谣言出来以后,我的父母因此住院3个月,他们都是七八十岁的老人。我个人的工作和生活被严重干扰,我和家人整天沉浸在痛苦和眼泪中。”8月25日,在单位有关...
横戈CEO致词:致BlogBus用户的一封信(好煽情阿!) 25 Aug 2013 | 06:58 pm
致BlogBus用户的一封信,很有感情的文章,想想自己好久没有静下心来写文章了,BlogBus也开始瀑布流了,不知道什么时候可以出现新的网页模式,要创新阿。 昨天,BlogBus的新版上线,同时更新了安卓和iOS的手机客户端,而有些话,也一直想认真的和大家说说。 从2002年上线开始,BlogBus作为一家提供博客服务的中文网站,到今天已经走过了11年。11年,可以去做很多事情,可以去体验人间...
More rss atom avatar related news:
Cyndicate : un nouveau lecteur RSS sous Mac 9 Nov 2007 | 11:28 am
Voici un nouveau lecteur RSS, Cyndicate, qui semble être lecteur RSS / Atom assez sympathique (notamment le logo) fonctionnant sous Mac OS X et plus. L'ergonomie a l'air assez soignée, rien à ...
rawdog free RSS Reader for Linux 7 Mar 2010 | 10:12 pm
What is rawdog? rawdog is an RSS Aggregator Without Delusions Of Grandeur. It is a "river of news"-style aggregator: it uses feedparser to download feeds in RSS, Atom and a variety of other formats, ...
Vienna – A full-featured yet simple RSS Reader for Mac 8 Feb 2011 | 12:16 pm
Vienna is a free and open-source RSS / Atom Reader for Mac OS X. It’s beautifully designed, integrates perfectly with Mac OS X and is packed with features but very easy to use. Since version 2.5, it ...
FeedWizard 11 Oct 2011 | 07:29 pm
Простая и удобная программа для чтения RSS&ATOM новостных лент на платформе Mac.
Google recomenda CODARE 20 Jun 2009 | 06:37 am
Pelo menos o Google Reader (leitor de feeds RSS/Atom), recomenda: ;) Obrigado ao Rodrigo Stulzer pelo aviso e envio da imagem!
Nová RSS adresa weblogu 7 Oct 2010 | 03:27 am
Zvláštní zpráva – upozornění! Pro tento weblog byla vygenerována NOVÁ adresa pro RSS feed. Najdete ji po kliknutí na oranžovou/červenou ikonku v levém sloupci stránky. Využívání RSS / ATOM vám usnadní...
Manage 1,000 RSS feeds, 1,000 Twitter accts, 1,000 Facebook accts/pages. All Free! 20 Aug 2010 | 07:17 am
Yes, every user can manage 1,000 RSS/ATOM feeds, 1,000 Twitter accounts, 1,000 Facebook accounts, 1,000 Facebook Pages, and 1,000 many other things on Plus, this is all FREE! Does this...
What Powers the Aggregators? 1 Apr 2008 | 02:30 am
All lifestream and link-sharing aggregators use an RSS/ATOM parser to help power their service. I built LinkRiver using Ruby on Rails and would have preferred to use a parser built in Ruby. However, ...
FeedWizard 11 Oct 2011 | 07:54 pm
Простая и удобная программа для чтения RSS&ATOM новостных лент на платформе Mac.
BidVertiser Ads for Feeds (RSS/ATOM) - Now in Public Beta! 3 Jan 2008 | 02:47 am
The huge growth of RSS feeds, empowered by the growth of blogging, created the demand for new ways to monetize RSS feeds. Hundreds if not thousands of debates through the blogsphere confronted the one...