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I localize. Too bad pessimism 13 Aug 2013 | 11:57 pm
In reply to A farewell to l10n I localize. Too bad pessimism has taken over you. :-/ reply
Odlicna analiza Novica. 26 May 2013 | 11:42 pm
In reply to Социјалните медиуми и моќта Odlicna analiza Novica. reply
More rst blog wiki related news:
Twitter only emailing about some @s to hide spam, annoy me 2 Apr 2012 | 07:31 pm
Twitter only emailing about some @s to hide spam, annoy me was written by Kristina for Any popular social network (or blog, wiki, etc.) is bound to become an attractive target to sp...
LA EMPRESA 2.0 30 May 2011 | 10:49 pm
Gracias a la utilización de herramienta de software social, de la web 2.0, blogs, wikis, sindicación de contenidos mediante lectores de RSS, etiquetación social o folcsonomía, mashups de diverso tipo,...
Social Media Marketing 12 May 2010 | 09:18 pm
determined using the artificial social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis and other collaborative sites in the form of media, marketing, sales, public relations and customer service. Shared s...
O que é Moodle? Blog? Wiki? 15 Dec 2010 | 07:53 am
O portal, iniciativa do governo do Estado de São Paulo para fomentar inovações na área governamental, lançou uma série de vídeos muito bem produzidos e muito instrutivos sobre alguns "c...
home 21 May 2012 | 12:28 am
Copyright-Friendly Copyright-Friendly and Copyleft for Use in Media Projects and Web Pages, Blogs, Wikis, etc. (Updated content has moved to this LibGuide) {banner.htm} {nominated_educationalwik...
How effective Social Media Marketing to increase productivity? 17 Aug 2010 | 01:20 am
Social Media Marketing is the online marketing strategy based on specific use of social media sites online. It is a concept that describes the use of social networks, online communities, blogs, wikis ...
Voicethread gets better and better 25 Aug 2010 | 09:38 pm
Anyone that has been to workshops I run on Web 2.0 tools knows that I am a HUGE fan of Voicethread. To my mind, the three big online tools are blogs, wikis and Voicethread. Other tools that I speak ab...
Reading Fiction in a Web 2.0 world. An experiment. 13 Aug 2009 | 03:53 pm
Web 2.0 has changed the way we do so many things. So I wonder if it is possible to sustain a piece of fiction using only Web 2.0 tools…a story told through blogs, wikis and other tools. Not your usu...
How to introduce 2.0 tools in your company 12 Nov 2006 | 03:10 pm
Are you thinking in introducing a 2.0 service in your company? Blogs, wikis, social nets … Is undoubtedly a complicated world in which some advices will not come badly. In that way, Dion Hinchcliffe...
Blogs, Wikis, Forums Sway Consumer Opinion, Research Shows 18 Aug 2006 | 12:41 pm
Blogs, Wikis, Forums Sway Consumer Opinion, Research Shows, an article written by Laurie Sullivan for TechWeb, notes the following: The growing phenomenon of consumer-generated content has become disr...