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Welcome home Commander Hadfield: Canada’s social media astonaut comes back to Earth 16 May 2013 | 09:11 am
Canadian Chris Hadfield, who commanded the International space station for nearly five months, has made his mark in the social media space — no pun intended — as the first astronaut to fully leverage ...
Twitter: Je sors de ma torpeur pour regarder de nouveau vers le ciel 5 Jan 2013 | 06:46 am
J’adore. Des bijoux comme celui-ci se retrouvent sur Twitter. Le printemps dernier, j’ai décidé de prendre une pause qui a, enfin, durée pas mal plus longtemps que prévu. Le Québec n’est pas tout à fa...
More rt twitter acronym related news:
Top 35 Twitter Acronyms and Abbreviations 3 Aug 2009 | 09:26 pm
Twitter has a 140 character limit in which you can send your message. So, it’s important that you use shorthand typing to make use of the limited space. Most of these acronyms and abbreviations are pr...
Twitter’s First Official App For Windows 8 And RT 14 Mar 2013 | 03:19 pm
Twitter recently launched its first app for Windows 8 and Windows RT. It takes a long time to come, but the new app does seem to do the platform justice, with a number of Windows 8-centric features, i...
What is Twitter saying about JoobsBox 11 Aug 2009 | 09:22 pm
Below are some featured stuff people are saying other Twitter about our job board software. JeffreyJDavis: JoobsBox : Cool Open Source Job Board - alexsinov: RT @joobs: Design your ...
From Twitter 8 Jun 2011 | 04:52 am
RT @GetCocoon Facebook is watching you— Carlos Jumbo G. (@cjumbo) June 07, 2011
La regla del retweet basura 4 Nov 2010 | 04:08 am
Por la presente, queda instaurada la Regla del RT (retweet) Basura: Los únicos RTs válidos son aquellos que se hacen usando la API de twitter. Si quieres hacerlo a la antigua, es decir, poniendo RT d...
Kurzmitteilungen der vergangenen Woche 18 Oct 2010 | 06:21 am
Sachlich und respektvoll die Leser befragt: RT @ideas4hotels: "Wieder ein Plagiat? … oder wie sag ich‘s meinem Freund?" # Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, Xing & Co. – aktuelle Zah...
140 is too long & other Twitter RT Best Practice 18 May 2012 | 09:02 am
I posted the following words about RTing (retweeting) on the Link4Growth subscriber forums earlier this evening, but figured it’s worth sharing with non-subscribers too (although why you wouldn’t subs...
#DearYoungSelf 2 Aug 2011 | 06:42 am
That's what's trending on twitter today. These are mine. RT @mentalexotica: #dearyoungself you are cooler than you think you are. RT @BBlessy: #DearYoungSelf Thank you for reading everything you cou...
EuroToxic: RT @ETComic: Just to let you good folks know, that we now have a dedicated domain URL for our "ET Comic" twitter page: 30 Nov 2011 | 07:58 am
EuroToxic: RT @ETComic: Just to let you good folks know, that we now have a dedicated domain URL for our "ET Comic" twitter page:
blin90: RT @IBNLiveRealtime: Petro 30 May 2012 | 07:12 pm
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