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牛肉麵應該如何稱呼 4 Oct 2012 | 09:25 pm
《蘋果日報》刊載了一篇東吳大學曾泰元副教授的投書〈談談滷肉飯的英譯〉,裡頭提到: 事實上,更極端作法就翻成lu rou fan,這強調文化主體性,這在跨文化的詞彙翻譯裡常見,然而國人自信心不足,總覺得要「道地的英文」才有檔次,因此先天上加以排斥。 這種排斥心理表現地最明顯的,我想莫過於在牛肉麵上頭。過去幾年台北市舉辦牛肉麵節,將牛肉麵直接音譯成 New Row Mian,就引來不少笞罰;說,直...
[台北演唱会初体验CONCERT IN TAIPEI!] 美食篇: 鬍鬚張滷肉飯 Famosa Chang 13 Aug 2013 | 09:08 pm
Whenever i visit taiwan, there is one particular food that i must eat. Not chicken cutlet nor bubble tea. It’s LU ROU FAN! and my favourite 滷肉飯 gotta be the one from 鬍鬚張 Famosa Chang! I know this loo...
Jin Feng Braised Pork Rice 金峰滷肉飯 (Taipei) 30 Jul 2013 | 08:29 am
Though I only managed to snap one photo, this 'Lu Rou Fan' is too good that it deserves a post on its own. We returned three times for the same thing - THE pork rice, vegetables, and braised egg ('Lu ...
It Is Easy To Make Online Shopping For Extractor Fans In Today’s World 30 May 2012 | 09:02 pm
It is true that e-shopping has made it far easier for us to get variety of electrical products, including lamps & sheds, decorative lights, extractor fans, or without any need to disturb our daily rou...
MEGA! 28 Mar 2008 | 04:23 am
ONLY FOR SUPER-FANS! 8 аватаров: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Владельцов нет Категории: Cinema bizarre, Аватары [Добавить комментарий на] [Завести дневни...
Hannah Montana 28 Apr 2012 | 05:42 am
Hi all! I'm Hannah Montana or Miley Sayrus.Ya love you very much!, I cherish the fact that I have fans such as you! I do lyublyuyuyu! [Добавить комментарий на] [Завести дневник на]
сообщества 4 Apr 2009 | 07:01 am
ich bin da-tokio hotel- Du Lebst- Fan-МакSим- Eisblume- Категории: сообщества [Добавить комментарий на] [Завести дневник на]
To Love-Ru - Anime Illustrations Love Honey! 14 Jun 2011 | 05:42 am
Este libro de ilustraciones me llegó la semana pasada, contiene ilustraciones del anime To Love-Ru. He de decir que soy más fan del manga que del anime pero bueno, toda pieza es bienvenida a la colecc...
Скачать mp3 песню "MAKE LOVE" by ANDREAS 31 May 2011 | 10:26 am
14 Phần mềm diệt virut có bản quyền 10 Jul 2012 | 08:28 am
1. AVG Internet Security 90 days AVG RU Bấm vào đây tải về 2. Bitdefender Total Security 2013 90 days Facebook Fan page Bấm vào đây tải về 3. BullGuard Internet Security 90 days Facebook Fan page Bấm ...