Most ruby hash rocket related news are at:

Taking Advantage of the Polyglot Lifestyle 26 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
If you haven’t heard yet or you’ve simply been under a rock for the past several months, there is a new functional language getting quite a bit of attention. Elixir is the brainchild of José Valim and...
Ruby5 Roundup - Episode 397 23 Aug 2013 | 05:00 am
Fellow Rocketeer Taylor Mock and I teamed up for another episode of the Ruby5 podcast. Here is a quick roundup of what’s new this week.
More ruby hash rocket related news:
Ruby’s Rockets: Fruit and Veggie Popsicles for Kids 13 Aug 2013 | 04:34 pm
** I received the mentioned product for free in order to facilitate this review. All opinions are 100% my own. I love finding new brands that are trying to change the way we see food. Getting my picky...
Exciting Things To Come 25 Jun 2013 | 02:28 am
First things first, I will pick a winner for the Ruby’s Rockets on Wednesday (6/26/13). If you haven’t yet, leave a comment on that post. Who wouldn’t want to win 12 boxes of organic fruit and veggie ...
Celebrate Summer! 21 Jun 2013 | 08:49 am
I was wondering how I could kick off the first day of summer on my blog. And, thanks to the generous folks at Ruby’s Rockets, I’ve got just the thing… Every day, I get a lot of emails from companies a...
How to spy on a Hash in Ruby 25 Feb 2010 | 05:42 am
Let's say you're dealing with a large Rails codebase and you've got a Hash stored in a global variable or a constant and you want to know who is changing that Hash. Here's a contrived example: Here i...
Ruby on Rails: Hashes with Time instances in it breaks when to_json is called on it. [#4730] 23 May 2011 | 02:18 pm
Ruby on Rails: Hash#Except and Converting Arrays to Args 22 Jul 2008 | 06:32 pm
Tonight I was working on rewriting the event creation flow for MixerMixer, the social event community I’ve been building, and couldn’t figure out why the Hash#except method wasn’t working. My goal wa...
Quick (and dirty) Patch for Ruby Enterprise Edition 2011.03 to Prevent Hash Collision Attacks 30 Dec 2011 | 08:59 am
As you may have heard, this week on December 28, 2011, a group of security experts released information about a nasty problem in almost all languages and platforms related to hash function collisions ...
New Ruby 1.9 hash syntax 23 Apr 2012 | 07:48 am
Ruby 1.9 has a cool hash syntax which is quite similar to javascript, so the following hash can be written as now, what if both key & values are symbols, in ruby 1.8 & before you would write but no...
Automatic Cash Rocket System 26 Jul 2012 | 06:35 pm
To view the WSO thread click on here: Automatic Cash Rocket System I’ve decided I need to take a bigger approach in pointing out WSOs that are re-hashed or don’t work. This one falls into that catego...
Avoiding Hash Lookups in a Ruby Implementation 4 Sep 2012 | 01:02 pm
I had an interesting realization tonight: I'm terrified of hash tables. Specifically, my work on JRuby (and even more directly, my work optimizing JRuby) has made me terrified to ever consider using a...