Most ruby mail gem related news are at:

Rails Security Alert 10 Jan 2013 | 11:20 am
Rails has just had a rather nasty security alert, get your application upgraded now. If you know what you are doing, you can follow the instructions inside of the Security Alert notes, if you don’t, t...
Encrypting Another Partition Using FileVault 2 on OSX Lion 7 Aug 2011 | 07:10 am
After installing a second drive with my home folder on it in my MacBook Pro, I noticed that FileVault 2 had only encrypted my main volume. This was a problem, because most of the sensitive data is on...
More ruby mail gem related news:
Release 3.4 with OmniAuth & Facebook Authentication Support is Available 6 Oct 2011 | 05:47 am
NewsCloud's Release 3.4 is now available. This release supports OAuth 2.0 authentication changes that Facebook required October 1, 2011. And, it includes the Ruby OmniAuth gem for authenticating users...
Rack::Profilerを使う 16 Jan 2012 | 11:55 pm
Rack::Profilerを使うのに少し躓いたのでメモ。 Gemfile: gem "ruby-prof" gem "rack-contrib", :require => "rack/contrib" app.rbのconfigureブロックあたり: require "rack/contrib/profiler" Rack::RubyProf = RubyProf use Rack::Profi...
Re: azi 14 06 15 Jun 2007 | 06:34 am
Am promis ce am promis unor vizitatori care ori m-au provocat, ori m-au rugat. Nu am avut timp astazi sa raspund cerintelor.Am avut discutii interesante cu nenumarate persoane. Cutia mea de e-mail gem...
Ruby Pharaohs Gems Slot Game 23 Feb 2011 | 10:41 pm
Rack::Profilerを使う 16 Jan 2012 | 06:55 pm
Rack::Profilerを使うのに少し躓いたのでメモ。 Gemfile: gem "ruby-prof" gem "rack-contrib", :require => "rack/contrib" app.rbのconfigureブロックあたり: require "rack/contrib/profiler" Rack::RubyProf = RubyProf use Rack::Profi...
Ruby Spreadsheet Gem Doesn’t Play Nice With BigDecimal 2 Aug 2012 | 07:55 pm
In a report I was building, we were doing all our underlying math in BigDecimal for accuracy. But when I go to spool it out to an excel export via Spreadsheet, it fails pretty miserably with very odd ...
[備註] 安裝 RVM and Ruby@Ubuntu 13.04 x64 29 Jul 2013 | 05:59 pm
安裝 RVM 之前必要的套件 (以管理者帳號安裝): RVM (Ruby Version Manager)提供在同一環境下安裝多個 Ruby 程式語言版本的機制。 RVM 的安裝環境預設於個人帳號資料夾中,設計上與系統環境有區隔,因此憑一般使用者權限安裝即可,不需要系統最高使用者的權限。每個 Ruby 環境的 Gem 都是分別管理,甚至在同一個 Ruby 下也可以建立不同的 Gemset,彼此...
Sonor 13/16/22 Beech Tear Drop Lug 3pc Dum Kit Ruby Pearl 60s 25 Aug 2013 | 10:01 pm
This beautiful Sonor 1960s "Ruby Pearl" gem dates to the mid 60s and features Beechwood shells and all original parts and components. Sizes are 13x9, 16x16, and 22x14. This kit is in excellent condi...
Apache Buildr and Scala 2.8 8 Jun 2010 | 09:02 am
Quick hack: to use Apache Buildr with the lates Scala 2.8 release candidate (RC3 at the time of writing) open up the file /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/buildr-xxx/lib/buildr/scala/compiler.rb and change...
Twitter Replacing Rails? So? 10 Apr 2011 | 04:25 pm
Twitter are reportedly moving away from Ruby on Rails. It’s on a lot of people’s tweets and on our Rails Oceania Mailing list. But the real question that should be asked is “So?” Ruby on Rails is a t...