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One-Shot Scaffolding Creation 10 Jan 2009 | 10:48 am
If you’re not that familiar with Rails, you might be creating your application domain entities (models, controllers, business objects, whatever you want to call them) like this: ruby script/generate ...
Rails 2.1: UTC-Timestamped Migrations 26 Nov 2008 | 09:42 am
Rails 2.1 introduced UTC-timestamped migrations. What does this mean? Prior to Rails 2.1, when you added a migration, the number would be a simple three-digit number, like so. ruby script/generate ...
Best MongoDB to CSV tool to generate CSV files for graphing using a JS toolkit, Excel, etc? 10 Aug 2012 | 11:11 am
My previous post was unclear. I'll try again. It shouldn't take a 70 line Ruby script or indeed procedural programming to generate a CSV file from a MongoDB database. So Lazy web :-) what's the best B...
DreamHost 4 Feb 2009 | 07:53 pm
Employee-owned, developer-friendly web hosting. For the tech-savvy, you can’t get any better than DreamHost: Shell access, CSV and SVN repositories, PHP 4 and 5, Ruby on Rails, and more than enough di...
YUI TreeView with Ruby on Rails 27 May 2008 | 03:48 pm
Here’s some code I’m using to generate a dynamic tree view using an acts_as_tree model with slug and title fields, the TreeView widget from YUI, and a Rails helper. I chopped out some of the code for ...
Cleaning up your CSS with selectors 8 May 2012 | 06:59 pm
I noticed that one of the input fields on one of our sites was not being styled properly. For the project, we're using the Ruby on Rails gem simple form for generating our forms. In addition to re...
Form Gen - ruby on rails gem 16 Nov 2011 | 06:38 pm
I've always dreaded doing the view code for nested attributes, setting up the helpers, the javascript, partials etc. Just so tedious, so I thought, I'd try my hand at a form generator. This generator ...
DreamHost 14 Jan 2007 | 06:53 am
Employee-owned, developer-friendly web hosting. For the tech-savvy, you can’t get any better than DreamHost: Shell access, CSV and SVN repositories, PHP 4 and 5, Ruby on Rails, and more than enough di...
Generating a sitemap.xml file on Heroku with Ruby on Rails 7 Jun 2012 | 11:14 am
Here is a description of how to dynamically generate an xml sitemap every time it is accessed. If you have a larger site, you may want to generate the sitemap using a cron job, and publish it to a sto...
Using Polymorphic urls and paths to create dynamic routes in Ruby on Rails 30 Nov -0001 | 12:00 am
Dynamic named routes in Ruby on Rails are really useful when you want to generate a url but you don't necessarily know which records it will be for. For example if have a controller action that is use...