Most rue mogue magazine related news are at:

Fantastic Fest announces Rue Morgue Cinema’s new Spanish language horror film 26 Aug 2013 | 10:59 pm
We’re happy to announce that Rue Morgue Cinema’s new Spanish-language horror film EL ARBOL DEL OLVIDO (THE TREE OF OBLIVION) will be featured at Fantastic Fest’s Fantastic Market/Mercado Fantastico. ...
MONSTER KID CORNER: Drive-In Documentary ‘Going Attractions’ 26 Aug 2013 | 08:55 am
[RM contributor Paul Counelis offers up a new installment of Monster Kid Corner.] You might think a full-length feature film claiming to be the “definitive story of the American drive-in movie” could...
More rue mogue magazine related news:
The New, New Horror? 21 Mar 2012 | 02:01 am
Working on a piece for Rue Morgue magazine this week, the subject of which has me intrigued. Though the jumping off point is an anthology film expected to premiere at a film festival later this year (...
“There Go The Goddamn Brownies!” – Joe Dante Talks The ‘Burbs 27 Aug 2013 | 05:45 pm
As a part of Toronto’s Fan Expo, Rue Morgue Magazine runs the Festival of Fear, and they invited Joe Dante up to present a 35mm print of his severely underrate, but nevertheless, cult-classic Tom Hank...
RUE Magazine 24 Nov 2010 | 07:51 am
RUE Magazine online pasirodė prieš porą dieną, radau, iškart nusistačiau fullscreeną ir su malonumu pavarčiau. Patys žinot, kokia pagrindinė žurnalo tema, bet nenusivilsit (tiesa, interjerų viduje yra...
"Sticks": An Unsung Influence on THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT? 7 Sep 2009 | 04:07 am
Recently, both RUE MORGUE and HORROR HOUND magazines have run retrospectives on THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT to commemorate the film's 10 year anniversary, but surprisingly, neither magazine mentions Karl ...
The Magazine That Inspired Me to Get Into This Business 29 Mar 2012 | 02:08 am
I’ve been meaning to post this piece I wrote for Rue Morgue last year about Rod Serling’s The Twilight Zone Magazine [click image above to download an easier-to-read PDF]. It’s not often that I get to...
hot off the press 17 Sep 2010 | 05:48 am
Rue magazine is a new online publication that is FULL of major eye candy. I'm so excited about this one are a few of my favorite images, but be sure to check it out for yourself! Love t...
Rue + ILYM 24 May 2011 | 06:03 am
This spring, I was able to photograph an awesome Atlanta shopping adventure with Chassie Post for Rue Magazine, and it’s out in issue five! The article begins on page 22, and goes on from there. Go c...
Wahoo!!! A New Magazines in the Hizouse. (with pictures of hizouses) 17 Sep 2010 | 04:09 pm
Ok so in case you are dead or otherwise, well, "working all day" and "not checking the blogs constantly", a new on-line shelter magazine launched yesterday. Rue Mag It's awesome. Oh and look....h.....
Qui sommes nous 4 Sep 2011 | 11:47 pm
Qui sommes nous ? Le magazine Informations Entreprise est installé depuis 1994 au 22 rue Jasmin 75016 à Paris. Il est distribué en kiosque depuis 31 ans et est le leader de la presse B to B. Il est ...
Uradi sam 27 Oct 2010 | 11:27 pm
Uradi sam Uradi sam (Kako napraviti) je sajt zamišljen kao online magazin koji mogu da uređuju svi posjetioci. Sve teme su dobrodošle kao i svi kreativci željni da doprinesu našoj online zajednici ka...