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Drupal and PHP 5.3 16 Nov 2009 | 06:38 am
There are some problems with running Drupal on php 5.3. There are five kinds of solutions: Downgrade to php 5.2.6 (not possible in many situations) modify Drupal to change the error level reporting ...
What are the requirements to run Joomla! 1.5? 11 Aug 2008 | 12:42 pm
Joomla! runs on the PHP pre-processor. PHP comes in many flavours, for a lot of operating systems. Beside PHP you will need a Web server. Joomla! is optimized for the Apache Web server, but it can run...
Simples tutorial de upload de arquivos com AJAX e PHP 18 Feb 2012 | 04:57 pm
Conforme eu prometi no meu último tutorial sobre noções básicas de AJAX com PHP, aqui está outro tutorial utilizando uma forma simulada de AJAX e bem mais funcional e útil que o exemplo do outro tutor...
AJAX e PHP – Tutorial básico e simples sobre AJAX e PHP 18 Feb 2012 | 03:12 am
AJAX básico AJAX tornou-se popular por volta de 2005 através do Google com seu pioneiro sistema de sugestões de busca e também por outros grandes desenvolvedores web. As iniciais AJAX significam respe...
Gestion de CV en XML, DTD, XSLT, AJAX et PHP 4 Oct 2010 | 08:13 am
Dans le cadre de ma licence professionnelle, mon partiel de fin d’année en XML a été la réalisation d’une application web de gestion de CV. Objectif : Créer une application web XML pour une entrepri...
Développez des applications Ajax en PHP 9 Sep 2011 | 12:05 am
PHP Solutions sort son numéro de septembre, avec un dossier consacré au développement de solutions Ajax en PHP. Au sommaire dans ce numéro : Afficher des résultats instantanés en utilisant jQuery, XML...
Ajax SQL PHP JQuery 16 May 2012 | 11:00 am
Tutoriel qui regroupe 3 tutoriaux dont un sur l'exécution d'une requête SQL en Ajax le second en PHP avec barre de notification JQuery, le 3éme interroge une base de données et affiche les résultats d...
Book Review: AJAX and PHP 6 May 2008 | 08:48 pm
I recently advertised for readers wanting to review a number of books I was offered by Packt Publishing. The fourth review in the series is written by Arthus Erea, who has read AJAX and PHP: Building ...
WAMP Install Apache Service on Port Different to 80 21 Jan 2012 | 12:42 am
Sometimes you want to install more than one webserver on the machine. WAMP Server is great for running an Apache, PHP, MySQL stack without installing each component manually. However when you try to...
Front End AJAX in WordPress 29 Jun 2011 | 08:14 pm
Copy the below code in a file (frontend-ajax.php) and call it as an AJAX url. PHP code: define("DOING_AJAX", true); require_once("../../../wp-load.php"); // Add wp-load.php file. if(!isse...