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– Cats de "Caritates"
Ada's kittens one by one leave the home. Part II 21 Jul 2013 | 11:42 pm
Harkiv and Hmelnik de Caritates This morning two sweet brothers Harkiv and Hmelnik also left us for their new home. They live now in Alphen with very nice family of Andrea Looren de Jong, her husban...
Ada's kittens one by one leave the home 21 Jul 2013 | 01:05 am
20.07 - Horiv Hariton de Caritates Horiv was the first, who left us, his Mum, siblings and friends Kurilean Bobtails. He went to Germany, Bruchsal, to the cattery Russisch Blau von Malyschka. The ...