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Brenne French Single Malt Whisky Review 27 Aug 2013 | 04:22 am
Brenne French Single Malt Whisky is a relative newcomer on the whiskey scene, first introduced in the fall of 2012. The spirit comes to us from Allison Patel, who encountered the inspiration for Brenn...
This Week in Booze 25 Aug 2013 | 02:11 am
Some Extra Old Elijah Craig Last year, Heaven Hill Distillery released a limited edition Elijah Craig 20-Year-Old Single Barrel. Which is now completely sold out. Luckily, they’ve just released a 21 ...
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Jugando a la ruleta rusa con tu perfil de Facebook 10 May 2011 | 11:00 am
Unos estudiantes de la Miami Ad School han parido una acción para Russian Standard Vodka. Insisto, no es una campaña real, pero está muy bien bajada y merece la pena echarle un ojo al vídeo explicativ...
Andrew DeSilva LIVE 18 Jul 2013 | 07:40 am
Russian Standard Vodka and Groovalicious presents Andrew DeSilva LIVE Saturday 20th July 2013 The winner of Australias Got Talent and founding member of 90s RnB band CDB Andrew will perform hit...
Russian Standard Vodka — Artform Campaign 25 Jul 2013 | 04:16 pm
Mitchell Nelson из Бристоля (Великобритания) нарисовал иллюстрации для рекламной кампании водки Русский Стандарт. Проект основан на элементах логотипа Русского Стандарта медведь и орёл. Get $25 when ...
27 bottles of counterfeit vodka found at takeaway 8 Oct 2012 | 12:00 am
The paint stripper chemical T-butanol was found in two bottles of Russian Standard Star vodka seized from Spalding takeaway Zorba 3.
Die drei Geheimnisse russischer Vodka-Kultur 16 Jul 2013 | 01:29 pm
Wann ist ein Vodka ein richtig guter Vodka? Wie erkennt man, ob sich Qualität im Glas befindet und was hat es mit dem Vodka-Reinheitsgebot auf sich? Russian Standard, Russlands Nummer 1 Premium-Vodka,...