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Business Openings in Kampala City, Uganda 27 Aug 2013 | 11:30 am
Kampala City, the capital of Uganda is one of the rapidly developing cities of Africa. Its economy is flourishing and its population has stretched to one million. One can now see Kampala as a beautifu...
A Peek into the History of Translation Services 21 Aug 2013 | 10:10 am
Geoffrey Chaucer The unimaginable speedy trend of technology diffused the borders between different states and gradually improved the level of interactional communication between people. This caused ...
More russian to english translation related news:
علاء: عيد بأي حال عدت يا عيد 14 Nov 2011 | 11:28 pm
English Translation by Sarah Abdelrahman & Sarah Carr بقالي تلات سنين بقضي العيد بعيد عن الأهل بسبب الغربة، كان بيعدي كأنه يوم عادي نروح الشغل الصبح و نروح متأخر. لولا مكالمة يتيمة نعيد فيها ممكن منا...
مع الشهداء ذلك أفضل جدًا 12 Nov 2011 | 12:30 am
English Translation نشرت في جريدة الشروق الخميس 20 أكتوبر 2011 مع الشهداء ذلك أفضل جدًا يومان قضيناهما فى المشرحة، يومان مع جثامين تناضل للاحتفاظ بلقب شهيد، تناضل ضد نظام مبارك كله؛ ليس فقط عسكر مب...
Bright Magazine, Osti Article Translation 19 May 2010 | 06:30 am
Finally, the English translation of the Massimo Osti article from, BRIGHT. Very special thanks to the author Paul Dezentjé for putting together the English version of the article for all the members....
More Translator Widgets 10 Jun 2007 | 05:21 am
Translator widgets for your language: From: Arabic to English German to English and French Portuguese to English Chinese to English Italian to English Russian to English Japanese to English Spanish to...
Add Chinese - English Translator to your blog 9 Jun 2007 | 07:12 am
With this Translator widget you will translate your blog from Chinese to English. Click here to get the code. (Put the code in your blog or site template)
In-House Arabic-English Translators Needed 10 May 2012 | 10:45 pm
DITTO Translation is looking for qualified and enthusiastic Arabic-English-Arabic translators to become part of our dynamic and cheerful environment. If you are reliable, conscientious, open-minded a...
[other] Digital Holy Book Quran With English Translation 30 May 2012 | 08:38 am
Digital Holy Book Quran With English Translation Digital Holy Book Quran With English Translation | 639 MB Digital Furqan v1.1, contain 30 Juzuk with translation in Malay language and English. Facil...
Celebrating 400 years of the King James Bible! 3 May 2011 | 02:25 pm
400 years of the King James Bible. May 2nd, 2011 marked the 400th anniversary of the 1611 Authorized King James Version of the Bible, making it the longest used English translation ever produced. Mo...
Silence 10 May 2012 | 04:38 pm
Review “Silence I regard as a masterpiece, a lucid and elegant drama.” Irving Howe. — The New York Times Review Of Books –NY Times Review of Books Language Notes Text: English (translation) Origin...
ray ban aviator Go into expel - accessible in English online trans 30 May 2012 | 07:04 pm
home ,lunettes de soleil ray ban,woolrich new concept english membrane songs to study english english rss subscribe professional english translation of the site | sitemap ? 2009 hidden hill english t...