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More sacred heart chest tattoo related news:
The Story Behind Ivy’s Chest Tattoo 5 Mar 2011 | 04:45 am
Ivy’s Memorial Chest Tattoo My mother passed away when I was a freshman in High School, and she was the only parent I ever knew. So in memory of her, I got her name tattooed over my heart so she’d al...
Hearts Tattoos 4 May 2010 | 11:17 pm
Hearts Tattoos A lot of people are familiar with heart tattoos. But, not too many people know what the sacred heart tattoo means or even what it is. The heart tattoo is the classic example of a sac.....
>Janis Joplin Wrist Tattoo, Celebrity Tattoo 5 May 2012 | 08:12 pm
> Janis Joplin (Singer and Song Writer) had two tattoos on her body, one being a flower like bracelet on her left wrist and a heart tattoo on her chest. Marco Materazzi Tattoos - Celebrity Tattoo Ha...
Meaning of Heart Tattoos 13 Mar 2013 | 07:42 pm
The heart is a sacred symbol in the medieval era, being specific especially for the Catholic Church. The heart represents the saving love of God, as a source of illumination and happiness. As a model...