Most sage vs google reader related news are at:

One Year 5 May 2012 | 07:11 am
Wow. It's been almost one whole year since I wrote a blog post here. That's pretty crazy. I don't think I've had another stretch of time where I haven't posted for that long,...
One Year 5 May 2012 | 03:11 am
Wow. It's been almost one whole year since I wrote a blog post here. That's pretty crazy. I don't think I've had another stretch of time where I haven't posted for that long, but then again, maybe I h...
More sage vs google reader related news:
Comparing BlogBridge to Google Reader 21 Jul 2011 | 03:28 am
“Let’s just say, blogbridge rocks and google reader makes me want to chuck my netbook out the window. There’s seriously no comparison.” (from BlogBridge vs. Google Reader) Thanks!
Social Sharing vs RSS Usage 15 Mar 2013 | 04:57 am
Google recently announced on their office blog that they would be doing a “second spring cleaning” and shutting down Google Reader, one of the worlds most popular RSS reader tools on the web. Most Goo...
Netvibes vs NewsBlur 15 May 2013 | 11:41 pm
Still looking for the best Google Reader alternative? Here I compare Netvibes and Newsblur.
Social Sharing vs RSS Usage 15 Mar 2013 | 04:57 am
Google recently announced on their office blog that they would be doing a “second spring cleaning” and shutting down Google Reader, one of the worlds most popular RSS reader tools on the web. Most Go...
Digg Reader vs AOL Reader 29 Jun 2013 | 09:00 pm
Google Reader elden gidince ben de herkes(!) gibi yeni bir reader aramaya başladım. Sağolsun birer...
Dropbox vs Google Drive 25 Mar 2013 | 07:30 am
Editor’s Note: Which is better Google Drive or Drop Box? As we’ve just seen with Google Reader, you never know when Google will go crazy and throw something perfectly useful away. I guess Feedly is h...
Larissa’s Picks to Click: Pew Report, New Look at Yahoo vs. Google Numbers, McDonald’s #MakeMyFilm 26 Aug 2013 | 09:27 pm
ADOTAS EDITOR’S NOTE: Editorial Intern Larissa Lohman routinely scours online media for big news and offbeat developments to share with our readers. Got your own “pick to click”? Send her a link. Bei...
iPad Google Calendar Sync Underdog: CalenGoo. 12 Aug 2010 | 11:00 pm
When I wrote my SaiSuke VS Calendar App review I choose those two because they are what I was familiar with. Half the fun of having this site is the great suggestions I get from readers, and test out ...
Ownskin VS Zedge 13 Jul 2009 | 02:20 am
This time I'm not writing about Google adsense or Photoshop Tutorial or Camcoders. Here I will write about the differences between ownskin with zedge so that readers may conclude that the best sites t...