Most sakai related news are at:

Apereo Foundation Annual General Meeting 27 May 2013 | 12:21 am
None off off The first Annual General Meeting of the Apereo Foundation will take place in Pearl Room in the Westin San Diego, at 1500 PST on Tuesday June 4th. Agenda 1) Introducing the Board 2) ...
Marist College will help Lead the Sakai Open Academic Environment (OAE) Initiative 2 May 2013 | 11:38 pm
None off off Apereo Foundation Announces that Marist College will help Lead the Sakai Open Academic Environment (OAE) Initiative May 1, 2013 – The Apereo Foundation has announced that Marist Colle...
More sakai related news:
تحول مانجا [Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi] إلى أنمي 1 Dec 2010 | 02:53 am
وفقاً لمجلة [ CIEL ] ، أنـه يتم تحويل مانجـا [Sakai Ichi Hatsukoi] إلى أنمي وسوف يعرض في [ أبريل (4) - 2011 ] القادم بعد الأوفا لنفس الأنمي التي سوف تصدر في [ 22 - مـارس (3) - 2011 ] قريباً ...
Sakai Kaede 2 26 May 2011 | 02:15 am
Sakai Kaede 2 REAL Japanese schoolgirl! Schoolgirl Sakai Kaede gets her nice tits rubbed and played with after class to get a better grade. Japanese schoolgirls are NOT what they used to be. Everyo...
You're Everyone's Friend 1 Feb 2012 | 01:08 pm
En su primer día en una escuela nueva, Sakai se le da el escritorio, junto a Katou. A pesar de que Katou parece un poco hosco, al final del día, los dos chicos se hacen amigos. Conforme pasa el tiempo...
Live Programming – Saturday Panels and Workshops Descriptions 17 Dec 2011 | 02:21 pm
Panels and Workshops Descriptions [PLEASE NOTE: ALL schedule and program information is subject to change at any time.] Saturday GoH Spotlight – Stan Sakai Saturday – LP1 ...
Reine Satire oder eine ernsthafte Option? Kann der Japaner Sakai Löws Probleme lösen? 20 Apr 2012 | 03:44 am
Außenverteidiger Gotoku Sakai wurde in der vergangenen Winterpause vom VfB Stuttgart verpflichtet. Der Japaner konnte bisher in allen Partien überzeugen und ist Sinnbild für den derzeitigen sportliche...
Sumur 10 Jan 2011 | 04:29 pm
Gus tf Sakai (16 April 2006) Lima tahun setelah hari ini, gadis itu akan sering berada di depan televisi. Menatap kosong ke layar kaca yang hampir semua siarannya lima tahun lalu sangat ia benci. Ten...
Nuffnang: Lima Puluh Titik Lima Puluh Ringgit Malaysia 8 Mar 2011 | 04:45 am
Buat julung kalinya, aku telah meng-cash-out kan nuffnang aku semalam.. Perasaan?.. Dh tentu2 lah gembira sakan..Al-maklumlah, blogger beginner mcm aku ni mesti la nmpak mcm sakai bila dpt cash ou...
Iron Chef Tucson 7 Jan 2009 | 08:23 am
Happy New Year. One of my favorite tv shows has always been Iron Chef. I'm talking the original Iron Chef from Japan with crazy mystery ingredients, the bitter rivalries, the awesome chef Sakai, and ...
Chinese New Yearr!! 28 Jan 2012 | 12:31 am
this is my new baby! ;) * thanks daddi* love it!! ;DD visited my uncle's new baby girl!! here she is! cuteee leh XD my uncle ;) my pretty auntie ;) 除夕 went out with the 3 sakais haha xD chee s...
Kotona Sakai in pink swimsuit 1 Aug 2011 | 01:18 am
Kotona Sakai in pink swimsuit.Look at her eye I fell she invite you to joint with her swiming time (in bath room LOL)