Most sally hansen garnet lapis related news are at:

Pink dots with Sinful Colors 30 Jul 2013 | 06:40 am
Dang! I was doing so good with posting, then I fell off the blogg'in wagon for 5 days - Oh well here I am now with a lovely and easy to do dotty mani. I started with a base of Wet n Wild White, I use...
Matte neon dollar store sprinkles and Sinful Colors Timbleberry 26 Jul 2013 | 08:20 am
For some reason I didn't take an actual, whole 5 nail manicure photo ---- how did i pull that off? I guess I was excited about these neat matte neon glitters that I found at The Dollar Tree. Instead o...
More sally hansen garnet lapis related news:
Sally Hansen Garnet Lapis 9 Jan 2010 | 05:07 am
Dieser Lack ist gigantisch! Blau, grün, türkis, lila, pink, gold, gelb - in allen Farben schimmert er! Da kann mein Nubar nicht mithalten! Aber schaut selbst (leider habe ich mir eine Macke in den L...
Sally Hansen Duochrome und Holo Lacke 8 Jan 2010 | 05:00 am
Ich hab heute meine SH Lacke bekommen *juhuuu* 1. Golden Sinnabar 2. White Turqouise 3. Purple Diamond 4. Garnet Lapis Ich muss sagen, dass ich teilweise etwas mehr erwartet habe. Golden Sinnabar un...
Sally Hansen Nail Prisms #07 Garnet Lapis 24 Jun 2010 | 12:56 pm
With Garnet Lapis the phrase "Rainbow in a Bottle" could never be truer! This polish reminds me of an oil slick that reflects every colour in the spectrum! It is absolutely bewitching! I was mesmerise...