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Media Player Update Featuring New Rdio & Vimeo Integrations! 22 Sep 2012 | 01:26 am
We’re excited to announce new integrations with Rdio and Vimeo along with a brand new Media Player! These new integrations give you more ways than ever to provide legal audio and video to your users. ...
Samsung Galaxy S WiFi 5.0 Media Player 16GB (12,7 cm (5 Zoll) Touchscreen, 3,2 Megapixel Kamera) [kein Mobiltelefon] weiß 24 May 2012 | 06:57 am
Samsung Galaxy S WiFi 5.0 Media Player 16GB (12,7 cm (5 Zoll) Touchscreen, 3,2 Megapixel Kamera) [kein Mobiltelefon] weiß Samsung Galaxy S WiFi 5.0 Media Player 16GB (12,7 cm (5 Zoll) Touchscreen, 3,...
Toshiba, Samsung Roll Out Android Wi-Fi Tablets 23 Apr 2012 | 06:23 pm
Toshiba rolled out three new tablets, including the industry’s first 13.3-inch tablet, while Samsung Mobile launched two Galaxy Tab 2 tablets and two Galaxy Player portable media players. With the la...
Play now with new Samsung PMP’s 7 Mar 2012 | 05:49 pm
Think that PMP’s(Portable media players) are out?? Oh well those of you who feel this way or are pissed off with the your PMP here is a good news for you , Samsung has decided to make you dance on...
How to upgrade vlc to latest version – update 20 Sep 2011 | 03:00 am
VLC media player is a fantastic player with several features and most importantly, it is freeware and open source hence the project is being contributed by various developers and rapid development of ...
Media Player 11 meminta validitasi 24 Jan 2012 | 11:03 pm
kemarin saya sempat kebinggungan sewaktu habis nge update windows mendia player (yang kelihatan udah jadul banget) ke versi terbaru, pasalnya media player tersebut meminta validitasi mungkin karena wi...
Windows Ice XP SP3 v3.01Free download 12 Jan 2011 | 07:59 pm
. . . Extras. Information: Hotfixes Updated to SP3 and post-sp3 hotfixes With Windows Media Player 11, Internet Explorer 7 and original Windows Sidebar Unattended Install Suppressed all the unn....
Gmate+ used on Samsung Galaxy Player 4.2 30 May 2012 | 06:32 pm
With Skyroam’s recent partnership with Samsung China, Gmate+ now fully supports Samsung’s newest media player, the Samsung Galaxy Player 4.2. With excellent design and features, the Samsung Galaxy pla...
Add-in Update: iHome Server v2.1.32.0 6 Mar 2012 | 08:40 am
iHomeServer is an add-in for Windows Home Server v1 and Windows Home Server 2011 which allows you to manage Apple’s iTunes media player directly from the WHS Console/Dashboard.? ? iHomeServer starts i...
KMPlayer 17 Jun 2011 | 03:53 pm
Choosing a multimedia player used to be a real no-brainer. However, during recent times the raft of new features and updates added to classic media players like Winamp, Windows Media Player, and even ...