Most samsung smartphone test related news are at:

HTC Desire S 2 Jul 2011 | 07:00 pm
Mit dem HTC Desire S bringt HTC bereits das zweite S-Modell binnen eines Monats in den Handel. Das neue Android Phone mit 2.3.3 ist der Nachfolger des mit zahlreichen Awards ausgezeichneten HTC Desire...
Nokia E6 mit Symbian Anna 30 Jun 2011 | 07:00 pm
Das Nokia X7 und das Nokia E6 sind die beiden ersten Nokia Smartphones, die mit der neuen Software Symbian Anna in den Handel kommen. Zu den Verbesserungen gehört eine Reihe neuer Funktionen, darunter...
More samsung smartphone test related news:
Samsung Armani smartphone 13 Oct 2009 | 01:38 pm
Samsung Electronics and Giorgio Armani (Giorgio Armani) in Milan, Italy, 9 (local time), premium smart phone, 'Giorgio Armani - Samsung smartphone (model: GT-B7650)' was released. 'Giorgio Armani - S...
Samsung I8160 Galaxy Ace 2 Sim Free Mobile Phone 21 Apr 2012 | 01:12 am
samsung smartphone with Samsung I8160 Galaxy Ace 2 Sim Free Mobile Phone – if you do buy a specific thing, don’t be duped by it. Samsung I8160 Galaxy Ace 2 Sim Free Mobile Phone, is often a package No...
Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus Sim free Mobile Phone – Black 21 Apr 2012 | 01:12 am
samsung smartphone with Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus Sim free Mobile Phone – Black – if you purchase a specific thing, don’t deceived by it. Samsung Galaxy Ace Plus Sim free Mobile Phone – Black, is usuall...
All To Know About Odin Android 8 Mar 2012 | 04:06 am
Great advancements in technology especially evolution of Smartphones has brought immense changes in the world. The current inventions are the introduction of android enabled Samsung Smartphones. These...
samsung is better for indian’s 19 Mar 2012 | 03:52 am
it is announced that samsung smartphones will be cheaper in the indian market to increase the consumer segment. deflation in prices may also be seen in future . samsung smartphones offers in the begin...
7 New Samsung Android 11 Feb 2012 | 06:13 am
Some of the latest Samsung smartphone leaked onto the internet along with the two tablets. The ninth is composed of 7 Smartphone Samsung Android, and two Samsung Bada. There are also two tablets wh...
Samsung Galaxy S3 price and specification in india 16 Apr 2012 | 02:10 pm
Samsung Galaxy S2 boosted samsung smartphone market that’s why they are launching next smartphone in this series called Samsung Galaxy S3.The launch date of this handset is not fixed yet, but it’s ru...
Prepare Samsung Smartphone with 5-inch Screen 20 Aug 2011 | 05:50 pm
Trends big screen smartphone was being loved by the current smartphone vendors. Surefire smartphone with a screen size of 4.3 inches had already made a lot of the manufacturers, like Motorola Droid ...
Videocast (04) :: Mit den Themen: Erkennungsraten und haptisches Feedback bei Touchscreens, 3D-Spielkonsolen-Konzept, Brain Computer Interface von g.t... 6 Apr 2010 | 09:02 am
Frisch abgedreht und im Netz ist die vierte Ausgabe unseres User Centered Design Videocasts. Diese Folge hat den Schwerpunkt Touchscreens und beschäftigt sich mit dem großen Smartphone Test der Moto D...
Photo of Samsung Galaxy Test Notes 11 Mar 2012 | 02:55 am
Eccoci dopo le prime impressioni con lo step successivo,la prova fotografica e quella di registrazione video del Samsung Galaxy Note.Sono rimasto abbastanza colpito dalla qualità dei video che sono ve...