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Top 5 Things to do After a Car Accident 28 Aug 2012 | 09:15 am
In a Car Accident and the First 5 Steps to Take – The 5 Most Important Things to do After a Car Accident A car accident can be a very frightening experience for all involved. When someone is injured i...
Top Pediatrics in NJ 28 Aug 2012 | 09:10 am
Top Pediatrics in NJ (ShanazKaram Ali Hassan, MD) Dealing with Mealtime and other tips for toddlers: Three-year –olds, and even some older children, can be quite a challenge to feed. Some are very pic...
More samurai after meiji restoration related news:
[TRAILER] Keanu Reeves star in First Trailer for 47 Ronin 26 Jul 2013 | 11:44 am
Universal has released the first trailer for martial arts extravaganza 47 Ronin, in which Keanu Reeves heads up a group of banished samurai striving to restore their honour. Keanu Reeves.. A Samurai?...
How Japan Honors Its War Dead: The Coexistence of Complementary Systems 21 Aug 2013 | 01:05 pm
The memorialization of the war dead in modern Japan has its origins in the honoring of the soldiers who fell in civil strife that occurred before and after the Meiji Restoration of 1868, when forces s...
[Penggemar Samurai X Masuk] Ternyata Batosai Itu Benar-Benar Ada... 31 May 2011 | 03:41 am
Samurai X yang memiliki judul asli Rurouni Kenshin ialah manga & anime karya Nobuhiro Watsuki yang berlatar belakang awal dari era Meiji di Jepang.Mungkin anime ini bisa tergolong anime jadul (sekitar...
Samurai X 01 - 04 Español Latino 31 Dec 2012 | 05:57 am
Sinopsis La historia trata de un joven, el mayor asesino de la era Tokugawa hasta la Restauración Meiji, apodado Battousai. Este joven llamado Kenshin Himura, decide no volver a matar gente para poder...