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Rich Robbin Rides A Walrus 7 Feb 2013 | 02:42 am
posted by Chris Carmichael 105.7 The Walrus – San Diego’s station for Good Times, Greatest Hits is pleased to announce the addition of Rich “Brother” Robbin to its line-up. Rich will join the station...
AV Concepts Featured on San Diego News Station 11 Jul 2013 | 02:14 am
AV Concepts was featured on KUSI San Diego News on June 13th, 2013. As a part of the station’s weekly Tech Report, we got to show off some of our technology which included turning one of our owners N...
Navy stud throws legs behind neck and licks his cock 12 Oct 2009 | 10:03 pm
Straight Navy stud Remy is full of surprises. Originally from Ohio, Remy got stationed out in San Diego a few months ago, and he's ready to start exploring. Remy said that he's mostly into girls, but...
DJ Steve Perry in the house 13 Feb 2012 | 09:48 pm
Fan Asylum reported that on February 3 Steve took a turn at being a DJ on station KPRI in San Diego. It aired yesterday at 6 pm on 100.3FM in Los Angeles and on 102.1 KPRI in San Diego. Will post an u...
Sexy Latin Fuck - Gianna Dreams 16 Dec 2007 | 06:00 pm
Derek had mentioned that a really hot spot for checking out sexy Latinas was the train station. A lot of Mexican chicks take the trip on the train from down near San Diego so I figured it wouldn't hur...
End of the gods tour, Sun Yue will report back to national team 13 Apr 2012 | 02:47 pm
Yesterday (April 12), God in Hunan Beijing Olympics international tournament in the last station to 93-89, Lectra San Diego wave team, won five consecutive victories,superdry-womens-t-shirts and end w...
Oceanside Car Accident Kills Marine 21 Mar 2012 | 07:04 am
San Diego Union Tribune's Jen Kuhney reported that a 25-year-old Marine stationed at Camp Pendleton was fatally injured in a auto accident around 1 a.m. on March 17, 2010. The unnamed Marine was a pas...
media bytes for thursday, august 16, 2012 16 Aug 2012 | 08:47 pm
~~ Hilary chairs the mid-morning music lesson at fm 94/9. It is her job, and follows the station guideline: “It’s about the music!. She’s a veteran of the music airwaves in San Diego, including 91X an...
A Stretchable, Shrinkable Android App 21 Aug 2012 | 12:22 am
Last year, we worked with KPBS in San Diego to launch an iPhone app. Now, they’re on Android, too. Both apps run on our station app platform, which offer efficient, affordable development and improved...
Online Publication San Diego Reader May Soon Face Suit Over San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) Depublished Article 29 Aug 2012 | 12:13 am
Depublishing an article which raised the possibility of public corruption dealing with the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station (SONGS) may soon be the subject of legal proceedings, TLR has learned. ...