Most sanur bali related news are at:

5 Foods You Should Try in Bali 23 May 2013 | 05:57 pm
There are several memories you will bring back from a visit to Bali — the sights of the varied and stunning terrain, the smiles of the warm and welcoming people, and the sounds of the waves crashing a...
Indie Trips that Include Bali 15 Mar 2013 | 06:09 pm
Bali is a great addition to any trip itinerary, and if you’re planning a longer, round the world type of trip, we want to help. Here are three different itineraries we put together that include visit...
More sanur bali related news:
Ternyata Orang Melayang bisa dijelaskan dengan Fisika !! 13 Jun 2010 | 02:25 am
SANUR, RABU – Ratusan siswa dari Asia, sebagian besar asal Indonesia, yang mengikuti Asian Science Camp di Sanur, Bali, Rabu (6/8) dihadapkan pada tantangan memecahkan fenomena mistis secara logis mel...
Campervan Tips for Windsurfing in West Australia 13 Jul 2011 | 10:10 pm
After one week of not relly good reef windsurf and kitesurfing in Sanur Bali we boarded a flight to Perth. On the arrival at the domestic or International airports the campervan rental enthusiast will...
Kebakaran di Gudang Sampah Plastik Suwung Sanur Bali 24 May 2011 | 02:44 am
Hari ini senin 23 mei 2011, seperti biasa dari Bukit Jimbaran menuju Gianyar melewati bypass Ngurah Rai. Yang tidak biasa adalah adanya kepulan asap di belakang salah satu pertokoan di kawasan Suwung ...
Lowongan Kerja JENGGALA KERAMIK BALI, PT 24 May 2012 | 11:34 am
Lowongan Kerja JENGGALA KERAMIK BALI, PT JENGGALA began in 1976 as a small experimental cottage industry in Batu Jimbar, Sanur, Bali, and has expanded to become one of the premier manufacturers and r...
Rakornas LPSE dan Ekonomi Daerah 28 Nov 2011 | 09:51 pm
Rakor ke-7 LPSE Nasional yang diselenggarakan minggu lalu di Sanur - Bali, dihadiri 700 orang lebih (termasuk panitia). Sekitar 2 milyar biaya dikeluarkan untuk penyelenggaraannya. Ada satu daerah y...
Cheap Hotel In Sanur Bali – Ari Puri Hotel 30 Sep 2010 | 03:12 pm
A small cozy Resort located in the heart of exclusive world famous Sanur and just 5 minutes walk to the beach. Opposite the famous Sanur Beach Hotel with the Bali Hyatt further up the road. Close to D...
From Labuan Bajo Flores to Bali via Komodo – Satonda – Moyo – Gili Islands to Bali 25 May 2011 | 02:14 am
Komodo-Bali 7 days 06 nights Special Cruises Starting in Labuan bajo Flores and End in Serangan bay of Sanur Bali Day 1; Welcome onboard and get familiar with the Matahariku We will go on your new h...
Kamuela Sanur Villas 2 Mar 2012 | 10:15 pm
Kamuela Sanur Villas daerah wisata Sanur Bali. Lokasi hotel ini berjarak jurang lebih 30 menit berkendaraan dari bandara Ngurah Rai Bali. Pantai Sanur kira - kira 10 menit berjalan kaki. Kamuela Sanur...
Dijual Villa di SANUR Bali DLPVFS0382 31 May 2013 | 08:52 am
Jual Villa di Sekuta Sanur Bali Detail Area : Sanur Bali Lokasi : Jalan Sekuta Sanur Bali Harga : Rp. 2 Milyar Status : SHM Luas Tanah : 200 m2 atau 2 are Luas Bangunan : 160 m2 Arah Angin Masuk : ...
Nikmatin Sunrise di Pantai Sanur, Bali 26 Aug 2013 | 03:17 pm
"Ngapain jauh jauh ke Bali kalau mau nikmatin sunrise? Toh di Lombok juga bisa nikmatin Sunrise" . Hohoho ada yang bertanya seperti itu ke saya, setelah akhir pekan kemaren saya motoran dari Lombok me...