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Provo sales tax revenues continue to climb 27 Aug 2013 | 11:02 am
PROVO -- One of the benefits of living in a city that's in an economic growth pattern is the steady increase of sales tax revenue flowing into city coffers. Sales tax reports for the fiscal ye…
Economic Development Sales Tax: 10-Year Review - Part VI 18 Nov 2011 | 07:46 am
On Sunday, the Midland Reporter Telegram Editorial Board weighed in on the economic development tax. Diversification was the driving effort in 2001 when voters agreed to this tax. When voters passed ...
Nationwide Tax Sale Directory 6 Jul 2011 | 08:03 pm
Nationwide Tax Sale Directory Coming Soon! - DeedGrabber's Tax Sale Insider Report
This Week in Texas Politics: May 11, 2012 23 May 2012 | 03:35 pm
WEEKLY REPORT May 11, 2012 Texas sales tax revenue up 10.9 percent in April, comptroller says Texas registered another month of strong sales tax collections in April, with revenue increasing to $2....
ILLINOIS SALES TAX NEWS 28 Nov 2011 | 07:13 pm
According to a recent report in the Huffington Post, Illinois ranks in only the eighth position of the top ten highest sales tax States in the United States. That may come as a surprise to many resi...
Charging sales tax on ebooks could be really good for libraries 28 Jul 2012 | 01:16 am
Get ready for prices to go up on everything you buy online. The Wall Street Journal recently reported that tax breaks for online shoppers might be nearing their end. Internet sales and digital goods...
$25-a-gun sales tax approved in Chicago area 13 Nov 2012 | 08:21 pm
A controversial "violence tax" on guns in the Chicago area was approved Friday by Cook County commissioners, reported.The $25 tax on every gun purchased in the county -- city law prohib...
Sales Taxes Up 5.6 percent 8 Oct 2012 | 11:00 am
Mayor Dewey Bartlett said today that the City of Tulsa's sales tax revenue for mid-August to mid-September as reported by the Oklahoma Tax Commission, totaled $18,856,756, or 5.6 percent above the s...
Online Sales Tax Backers Oversell New Study 31 Jul 2013 | 01:50 am
When an esteemed economist like Arthur B. Laffer writes about tax policy and prosperity, conservatives rightfully tend to listen. Apparently this was the intent behind a recent report from Dr. Laffer...
What tax reporting obligations are there when exchanging office space for a set percentage of sales? 21 Aug 2013 | 01:37 am
What tax reporting and other legal considerations need to be taken before entering into such a “partnership” agreement?