Most sarah cooking blog related news are at:

New YouTube Video! Jay Z & Justin Timberlake – Holy Grail & Mirrors Mashup! 18 Jul 2013 | 01:56 am
Jay Z just released his new album, Magna Carta, and I am loving his collab with JT on the track Holy Grail! When I heard it I instantly thought it would be cool and different to mash it up with JT’s M...
Rotisserie Chicken Salad and Cucumber Bites 27 Jun 2013 | 05:27 am
Summer has officially arrived in Texas and it’s hot as hell. The usual heavy culinary fare doesn’t really satiate my palite in the 100+ degree, super dry temperatures so I try to stick to lighter snac...
More sarah cooking blog related news:
Birthday Cooking 7 Apr 2012 | 04:09 am
I just realised that is is a year ago that I did my first Weekend Cooking blog entry. The sad thruth is that while we have cooked some fabulous and beautiful dishes over the last year, we have not pho...
A Great Snack: Baked Garbanzo Beans (Chick Peas) with Moroccan Spices 15 Dec 2011 | 08:14 pm
I want to share a great recipe I recently came across. This recipe is from Kalyn’s Kitchen, a website I’m unfamiliar with, but bills itself as a “home-cooking blog where I share recipes that show how...
Almond Yardstick 6 Oct 2011 | 11:46 am
Words could never express how delicious this recipe is! I got this recipe from my VERY talented friend, Dorene. She has a fabulous cooking blog called, KrausnicKitchen. Make sure to check it out. She ... 24 Jun 2011 | 11:18 am
I spend a lot of time reading cookbooks, cooking magazines, cooking blogs and websites. I frequently come across a recipe that appeals to me, and I say, “I’ll have to try that”. And off I go to the ...
This Blog Was Written By a Woman?! 8 May 2009 | 09:00 am
Just for fun, I tried out this Gender Analyzer and it says that both of my blogs – this one and my cooking blog were written by a woman. Funny… All this time I thought I was a man. Just for kicks I tr...
Black-eyed pea Soup 20 Jan 2006 | 01:06 pm
margavriel (6:58:44 PM): I made a soup last night... margavriel (6:59:50 PM): ...a bit of an experiment, actually. margavriel (7:00:42 PM): perhaps i'll post the recipe on the "Shabboth Cooking" blog....
Pantry Peek 19 Jan 2009 | 01:36 am
I know there's a cooking blog out there somewhere that features peeks into different food bloggers' pantries. I keep waiting until at least part of my pantry looks really spiffy to send a post to it, ...
Turkish Night 14 Aug 2007 | 08:26 am
Hi everyone! I just would like to let you all know that I will have a "Turkish Night" event in my Turkish cooking blog on 30 August 07. After that day I am going to carry all the delicious Turkish fo...
My new blog is live! 6 Mar 2012 | 08:20 am
Hey everyone! Happy Monday! You can now visit my new blog, Sarah DeShaw Blog. I will only be posting new updates there, so please update your bookmarks and RSS Feeds to be current! Thanks, see you ...
New Recipe Books To Complete My Collection 15 Dec 2010 | 01:10 am
Love this cakes and snack recipe book from one Taiwanese Chef - 孟老师, she is quite famous among my friends from cooking blog. Most people followed the recipe shared by her and successfully bake the ...