Most saranghae hangul related news are at:

At the Latest and At Least in Korean 18 Aug 2013 | 11:23 pm
I just learned how say ‘at the latest’ and ‘at least’ in Korean. There are two descriptive verbs when added with 어도 gives that maximum and minimum meaning. 늦어도 (neujeodo) - at the latest (even thou...
Use of Simple Modifier 15 Aug 2013 | 10:15 pm
So i have learned that the simple modifier (으)ㄴ can be easily done by attaching it to base for of the verb. USing this modifer allows creation of noun phrse or a clause that modifies a noun. The sim...
More saranghae hangul related news:
MC Mong – Humanimal Album Lyrics (Translation/Romanization) 28 Jul 2009 | 02:49 am
Credits: kachei@Soompi & everyone who helped in providing/translating lyrics as noted for each track. 02. Indian Boy ► Hangul & Romanization *credits: naver | thanks to koalabear, kachei@soompi HA...
[HD/MV] Miss A - Goodbye Baby(English Sub/Romanization Hangul) 19 Jul 2011 | 06:36 pm
Language : Korean Sub : English/Korean Genre : Dance Pop
gamba saja..err mungkin ade tulisan sket -.-' 19 Apr 2012 | 02:28 am
Sibuk mcm mane pon bnd nie aku x tinggal pengubat suka dan duka dikala stress haha :D Gary Opaa Saranghae! <3 *gigih tgh d/load ep 90 skrng ^_^ P/s : ayuh running man FYP. erghhh! -.-'
SARANGHAE DANGSINEUL ( 사랑해 당신을 ) 12 Feb 2012 | 01:20 pm
Ada sebuah lagu ‘wajib’, yang harus diperkenalkan pada orang asing yang ke korea atau setidaknya menyukai Korea. Lagu ini lagu rakyat, dikenalkan bukan dari upload-an video youtube, jejaring sosial se...
Hong Gil-dong MV - Fate with Hangul Romanized Lyrics 25 Nov 2010 | 09:32 pm
SUJU SARANGHAE^^ 21 Mar 2010 | 05:38 am
Super Show 2 is awesome awesome awesome. everyone's good=) but i'm not that crazy anymore la since my prefrontal cortex is quite developed already (non-psych majors pls just bear with me) and erm...s...
SPEED - Hommage To Lovey Dovey Plus 17 Feb 2012 | 05:04 pm
(^.^)v: SPEED - Hommage To Lovey Dovey Plus Mp3 : Download (password : kakakcashier) P/s : This song is really addicted:) "SPEED - Hommage To Lovey Dovey Plus Lyrics" Hangul + Romanization : Rap...
suke~ 14 Apr 2012 | 07:16 am
short entry pengobat rindu..*katenye~* i secretly pray to have him as my man...heuheuheu ;p *lee dong wook-ssi...saranghae :)* ~m~
MV + Lirik Ailee-Heaven [Romanization, Hangul, English] 2 Apr 2012 | 06:10 pm
Nah, sesuai dengan judul, PhinPhin akan memberikan lirik lagu Ailee-Heaven. Lagu ini bagus banget lho... <img alt="" height="200" src="...
silk pajama shirt 16 Mar 2012 | 12:49 am
i took a bill from my mailbox downstairs to see what my address looked like i typed the hangul into google it took a very long time i think i differentiated the former tenant's name from the actual ad...